How tissue biopsy is performed, what are the goals of this study

How tissue biopsy is performed, what are the goals of this study


A biopsy is a diagnostic procedure that involves the lifetime collection of samples of cells or tissues of the body for the purpose of their further microscopy (cytological and histological examination). Interpretation of biopsy results is the task of a specialist with appropriate qualifications. The criterion of normality is the complete absence of cellular changes in the biological material under study.

On our website you will learn about the preparation and conduct of the procedure. Here you can also get information about the cost of a bone biopsy.

How tissue biopsy is performed

The examination process includes several stages:

  • sampling of material
  • fixation
  • transportation to a laboratory with appropriate equipment;
  • preliminary processing of the biopsy;
  • preparation of sections (when examining a tissue fragment);
  • coloring;
  • microscopy;
  • preparation of the conclusion.

Biomaterial can be taken in different ways.

A punch biopsy of the kidneys is performed using a special needle and syringe. It is used to examine large and cystic formations. Similarly, a fine needle biopsy of the liver is performed for the same purposes. For cytological examination, imprints and smears are also taken from erosions, ulcers and other pathologically altered tissue areas. Fluid is taken from cysts or abdominal cavity (for example, in case of ascites) by aspiration.

In excisional biopsy, the pathological formation is removed and sent to the laboratory, and in incisional biopsy, a fragment of it is taken (as an option, a pathologically altered part of the organ). In women, malignant neoplasms sometimes form in the breast, which is shown by a trepan biopsy of the breast, which is performed using a special hollow tube with a pointed edge. The scarification technique involves cutting a thin layer of skin, and the forceps technique involves taking a sample with special forceps.

Pipeline biopsy of the endometrium is an absolutely painless manipulation, a sample of fluid or a small fragment of tissue is taken with a very thin tube. The peculiarity of the procedure is that it should be performed 2-3 times, which is important for making an accurate diagnosis.

Indications for the examination

Today, a biopsy has become a prerequisite for verifying the diagnosis of suspected oncology.

Please note: The cost of a thyroid nodule biopsy is low. This procedure is affordable for most patients. The technique allows timely diagnosis of malignant neoplasm, which significantly increases the chances of complete cure of thyroid cancer.

Many patients of gynecological departments are interested in the question “do they do a cervical biopsy for erosion”. Yes, this is a necessary diagnostic procedure, it is performed only in the absence of problems with the blood coagulation system (coagulopathies) and acute inflammatory processes.

It is necessary to take a lymph node biopsy if the doctor has reason to suspect the development of a tumor, systemic inflammatory disease (sarcoidosis) or tuberculosis infection.

In many diseases of the digestive system, it is advisable to take tissue samples to clarify the diagnosis. A number of patients are interested in where to do a gastric biopsy. The diagnostic procedure is performed in the Department of Gastroenterology upon a doctor's referral.

A lung biopsy is required if a blackening is detected on a fluoroscopy. Changes in the X-ray picture may indicate tuberculosis or neoplasm.

After a tumor biopsy, it is possible to judge the nature of the tumor: whether it is benign or malignant.

Preparation for the procedure, its course

If the process is accompanied by pain, then local anesthesia is necessarily performed - superficial (aerosol sprayed on the skin) or infiltration (subcutaneous injection). In some cases, the patient is put under anesthesia. The doctor explains to the patient how tissue biopsy is performed in each case during the preparation for the procedure.

Manipulations take a little time - a maximum of several minutes, including the time required for anesthesia (if required).

In preparation for an aspiration bone marrow biopsy (biopsy is taken from the sternum or iliac crest), the doctor should be informed if you are taking any pharmacological drugs. Some medications can provoke bleeding, and this should not come as a surprise to a specialist. Before starting the manipulations, heart rate and blood pressure are measured. If the bone marrow is taken from the sternum, anesthesia is usually not required. The procedure lasts about 5 minutes. After the procedure, the puncture site is treated with an antiseptic with an aspiration needle and covered with a sterile dressing.

Please note: On our website, you can check the price of a prostate biopsy. This method makes it possible to detect malignant degeneration of prostate adenoma in a timely manner and begin adequate therapy.

When taking a sample of deeply located tissues, the needle is brought to the desired point under the control of an X-ray or ultrasound machine.

If a pregnant woman is found to have an increased risk of having a child with genetic diseases or chromosomal abnormalities based on the results of screening in the first trimester, additional testing is required. The gynecologist must tell you how to take a chorionic villi biopsy. In addition, you will need to consult a geneticist. The procedure already at 10-13 weeks allows you to detect Turner, Down, and Klinefelter syndromes, as well as severe pathologies such as sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis. The biopsy is performed through the anterior abdominal wall or cervix.

Related services:
Chemotherapy treatment
Consultation with an oncologist

Updated: 07.03.2025
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