Information2 doctors14 clinics

The program "First steps of health. Extended" (from 1 to 17 years)

14 clinic(s)PediatricsFor children (0 - 17)
The program "First steps of health. Extended" (from 1 to 17 years)

Services included in the package:

Laboratory general clinic diagnostics
  • General comprehensive blood analysis with formula (hemanalyzer, ESR, formula) as planned 4 pcs
  • Clinical urine analysis 4 pcs
Сестринські процедури і маніпуляції
  • Preanalytical stage in biological material study 8 pcs
Emergency medical care
  • Provision of emergency medical care out-of-hospital to a patient (1.5 hour)

Doctors providing package services:

19experience (y.)
24experience (y.)

Clinics providing package services:

Package price:
The program "First steps of health. Extended" (from 1 to 17 years)
12670 uah

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The program "First steps of health. Extended" (from 1 to 17 years)

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