Epigastric burning, redness, dryness – discomfort in the eyes and how to get rid of it

Epigastric burning, redness, dryness – discomfort in the eyes and how to get rid of it

Ocular discomfort is a habitude of a modern person. Constant stay in front of a monitor and a TV, dust and smog in big cities, use of low-quality cosmetics, allergies to plant blooms – these factors play an important role in the health of vision organs. Ocular discomfort often indicates the development of a disease, but serious treatment is not required, you just need to get rid of redness and dryness.

"Sandpaper" in the eyes may be the first sign of conjunctivitis, which is an inflammatory process in the conjunctival sac of the eye; it is considered infectious and requires pharmacological therapy. Conjunctivitis is manifested not only by a burning sensation in the eyes, but also by their redness, voluminous tear secretion and discharge.

If there are no pronounced signs of conjunctivitis, then the causes of "sandpaper" in the eyes are trivial: development of dry eye syndrome, exposure of the mucous membrane to dust, excessive stress, use of low-quality cosmetics.

  • With these symptoms, do not rub your eyes with your hands, as the infection may spread.
  • If a person spends a lot of time in front of a computer monitor or works with printed documents, it is possible to get rid of the "sandpaper" in the eyes by simply blinking and resting. You need to divert your attention, turn your gaze to other objects, blink often for 30 seconds, or close your eyes, lie down comfortably or sit down and relax for 15–20 minutes.
  • You can drink tea made of wild chamomile or comfrey herb, as these herbs have a calming effect on the vision organs. Ordinary green tea is enough, as it also has a positive effect in the vision organs.

The reason for this condition can be the intrusion of a foreign body into the eye, and it immediately turns red, tears are shed, but at the same time dryness of the mucous membrane is noted, and there is a feeling of "scratching" of the eyeball. However, if you cannot quickly remove a foreign body from the eye, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.

Eye dryness can be associated with excessive stress and is often diagnosed in people who work with computers. If this is the case, a person will complain of a slight burning sensation and pressure in the eyes.

An inflammation of the eyelid is often accompanied by a discomfort. The disease is called blepharitis and is treated with specific medications. Many people, begin to take some measures themselves, when they feel discomfort in their eyes, and this is right. However, if the discomfort does not disappear 3–4 days after the procedure, an accumulation of purulent content appears on the eyelashes after sleep, then you should seek qualified medical help. Only a doctor can determine what should be used for the treatment in case of inflammatory processes, which medications will be the most efficient, and how long the therapy should last.

If you do not seek qualified help in a timely manner, complications may develop. For example, the pathological process will spread and the inflammation of the ocular surface may develop, or blepharitis will turn into a chronic form, which will provoke visual impairment.

Any discomfort in the eyes is a sign of a problem, so you need to take even minor disorders and a slight deterioration in well-being seriously. Eye drops for inflammation and redness should be selected only by a specialist, because self-medication can result in the development of an allergic reaction and deterioration of the health of the vision organs. All the known traditional remedies should be used only as an adjuvant therapy and by agreement with an ophthalmologist.

Article author: Victoria Ratushnyuk

Publication date: 20.12.2020

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