27 Interesting Kidney Facts

27 Interesting Kidney Facts
  1. The main function of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood of toxins that accumulate in the body as a result of metabolism.
  2. Finding out where the kidneys are is very easy. Place your hands on your waist and point your thumbs up. The kidneys are located on the line between the fingertips.
  3. Blood enters the kidneys through veins and passes through special filters - nephrons, which clean it of toxins and harmful substances.
  4. In addition, the kidney produces the hormone renin, which is responsible for the level of blood pressure.
  5. Urolithiasis is the most common and severe kidney disease.
  6. Factors such as improper nutrition, heredity, and hypervitaminosis play the greatest role in the formation of kidney stones.
  7. The best treatment is prevention. Drinking at least 2 liters of water per day can reduce the risk of urolithiasis.
  8. Maroon or dark circles under the eyes, unpleasant body odor, and weakness in the legs may indicate poor kidney function.
  9. Exacerbation of kidney diseases most often occurs in winter.
  10. Another risk factor for exacerbation of diseases is pregnancy. In a pregnant woman, the load on the kidneys increases tenfold.
  11. The most severe form of nephrolithiasis is the formation of coral-like stones. They can grow to the size of the renal pelvis and look like its cast.
  12. Every day, 180 liters of primary urine are formed in the kidneys. A healthy body secretes an average of 1.5 liters.
  13. Do you suffer from nightmares? Check the health of the kidneys, sometimes diseases of these organs can cause sleep disturbances.
  14. The kidneys filter up to 2,000 liters of blood per day.
  15. The full volume of blood passes through the kidneys 35 times a day.
  16. The total length of capillaries in the kidney is 25 kilometers.
  17. Sedentary people are most prone to nephrolithiasis.
  18. One kidney consists of 1 million filter elements.
  19. Men who frequently sunbathe have a lower risk of developing kidney cancer. No such dependence was found in women.
  20. Indian surgeon Ashish Patil entered the Guinness Book of Records by removing 170,000 kidney stones from a patient. The operation took 4 hours. The patient survived and returned to a healthy lifestyle.
  21. Kidneys weigh from 120 to 200 grams, and the right weighs slightly more than the left.
  22. The first artificial kidney - a hemodialysis machine - was used in 1944. In 2013, American scientists developed an implantable artificial kidney created by bioengineering.
  23. Surgeons removing stones from the kidneys existed even in the time of Hippocrates - in the 6th-5th centuries BC. These people were called ""Kamneseks"".
  24. The first outstanding ""kamnesek"" of Russia was named I.P. Venedikt, who lived in the second half of the 18th century. During his life, he performed more than 3,000 operations to remove kidney stones.
  25. Urologist's Day is a holiday celebrated worldwide on October 2.
  26. Since 2006, Kidney Day has been celebrated on the second Thursday of March.
  27. Kidneys also suffer from hypertension and heart disease. Kidney failure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke by 25 times.

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Updated: 01.04.2025
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