Doctors oncodermatologists

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Kukushkina Mariia Mykolaivna
Surgeon-oncologist; Oncodermatology
st. Yulii Zdanovskoi (M. Lomonosova), 71-G, Kiev
25experience (y.)

Nearest pickup time

21.08.2024 11:00

Maksymenko Bohdan Viktorovych
Oncodermatologist, Oncologist, Surgeon-oncologist
st. Yulii Zdanovskoi (M. Lomonosova), 71-G, Kiev
9experience (y.)

Nearest pickup time

06.08.2024 15:30

16experience (y.)
4.7із 5raiting based on
19 review(s)
child doctor

Nearest pickup time

30.07.2024 13:30

Services of this direction

Consultation with an oncologist (dermatologist) expert referral for adults in the clinic
Every person from the moment of birth has new growths on the body in the form of moles. Over the course of life, their number may increase.
Mole mapping (automated digital cartography of the whole body)
Mole mapping is a state-of-the-art method of diagnosing and preventing dermatological diseases. Its essence lies in detailed photographing of all areas of human skin followed by automatic analysis of the detected neoplasms. Annual mapping of moles allows you to detect such dangerous diseases as melanoma, basaloma, and others at an early stage.
Dermatologist consultation through online clarification
Dermatologist consultation through online clarification