However, thanks to modern techniques, the chances of couples for successful treatment are significantly increased. One of the most effective assisted reproductive technologies is in vitro fertilization, available at MS Dobrobut clinics. The final IVF procedure is embryotransfer (ET).
ASIT is effective in the treatment of allergic reactions to pollen from trees, cereals, weeds, as well as spores of fungi, house dust mites and animal dandruff.
With age, under the influence of gravity and natural involutional aging processes, tissues lose their elasticity, skin and muscles stretch, the oval of the face loses its clarity.
An aortic aneurysm is a sac-like enlargement of the aorta, the largest vessel that carries oxygen-enriched blood from the heart to other parts of the body.
Aortofemoral bifurcation alloshunting (AFBA) is a surgical operation to restore blood flow in the aortoiliac segment of the arteries of the lower extremities by installing an artificial vessel (implant, grafts) between the femoral arteries and the aorta
Femoral-popliteal shunting is a surgical operation aimed at restoring blood flow at the level of the thigh by creating a bypass from an artificial vessel or using its subcutaneous vein.