Causes, signs and treatment tactics of tremors of the hands and other parts of the body

Causes, signs and treatment tactics of tremors of the hands and other parts of the body

Tremor means the involuntary rhythmic oscillatory movements of body parts (usually limbs and head) or of the whole body, caused by various reasons. Physiological tremor should be distinguished from pathological one. The physiological type of tremor can be triggered by transient conditions and does not indicate the pathology of organs or systems.

This article will focus on pathological tremor caused by diseases and pathological conditions.

For more detailed answers to the questions about the mechanism of the occurrence of different types of this pathology (for example, why there is a tremor of the limbs), what it is and what the consequences may be, see our website.

To find out the cause of the tremor, a patient often should undergo many examinations of various organs and systems. Also, in a number of clinical cases, a patient with tremor is treated by several doctors of related specialties (for example, for diabetic neuropathy, the treatment will be prescribed jointly by an endocrinologist and a neuropathologist).

Author of the article - Irina Pepenina

Reviewer of the article - Tatiana Anikieieva

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