Information about the doctor Lukach Oksana Ivanivna
- Bogomolets National Medical University
Areas of professional development:
- neurologist of the highest category;
- candidate of Medical Science (Research Degree);
- thematic advanced training course;
- participation in neurological conferences and symposia;
- articles in “Neurology and Psychiatry” and other journals;
- sharing of experience with foreign colleagues;
- reading of scientific articles on the Internet.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- treatment of ischemic strokes and traumatic brain injuries;
- conservative and rehabilitation treatment of post-infectious and post-intoxication central nervous system injuries, treatment of spinal diseases;
- treatment of autonomic nervous system dysfunctions of different origin (vascular disorders, neural infections and others), as well as dysfunctions caused by body growth of (pre-climax and climax periods);
- panic attacks, vegetative crises;
- modern methods for diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases of central nervous system: cerebrovascular diseases, autonomic dysfunction syndromes, headaches of various origin, neurosis, anxiety disorders, migraines, peripheral nervous system diseases (e.g. complicated osteochondrosis, polyneuropathy)
- ultrasound of neck and head blood vessels, electroencephalography;
- management of patients in the hospital, attendance in clinic, domiciliary examination.
- ‘Most of patients come to me as to a psychologist. I need to listen and understand. After all, people come to me both for treatment and advice.’
- ‘I have mostly young patients. They seek medical attention due to sleep disorders, unmotivated outburst of petulance, aggression and anxiety.’
- ‘Most often I deal with psychosomatic disorders. Nowadays, amount of patients looking for medical help increased much. The main reasons are stress, level and pace of life. To avoid such diseases, I advise to modify your lifestyle – normalize your time, relax and get enough sleep.’
- ‘Patient’s trust is the main thing in my work – if so, he will tell everything and it will be easier to treat him and ascertain the cause of his disease.’
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- psychology;
- neurology.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- ‘I love skiing – that distracts me from work.’