His bundle branch block – causes of the disease

His bundle branch block – causes of the disease

His bundle block means slowing down or absence of impulse conduction with one, two or three His bundle fascicles in the area of the interventricular septum. This pathology is observed in about 1 % of people over 35.

The block may be complete and incomplete (degree of conductivity), sustained and transient. A cardiologist will tell you about possible risks of His bundle block during your visit.

You can book a visit to cardiologist and get answers on your questions related to the pathology on our website. A doctor will prescribe the required examination and tell about the treatment of the patients with His bundle blocks.

His bundle block often shows no symptoms, and it is often diagnosed by accident during ECG. Clinical signs are often provoked by an underlying disease, its complications, severity of the structural cardiac disease.

Echocardiography, MRI and multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) will help to detect organic heart lesions. A cardiologist may prescribe additional examination techniques during a check-up.

In case of complete His bundle block, the duration of QRS complex is 0.12 sec and above (in the normal condition: 0.08–0.10 sec). QRS complex in the leads V1-V2 has rsR “ or rSR” graph with the oblique downward displacement of ST segment, up-convex, that passes into a negative asymmetric T wave. 

In case of complete His bundle block, the duration of QRS complex is 0.12 sec and above, and the time of internal deviation in sinistral chest lead exceeds 0.05 sec. In the leads I, V5 and V6 the QRS complex is represented with one exaggerated, distorted, split R wave that passes into the oblique downward ST segment, up-convex, with the following negative asymmetric T wave.

The treatment of the pathology may be non-surgical (therapy of the underlying disease) and surgical (implantation of a pacemaker). Determination of treatment approach depends on the degree and localization of the block, clinical picture and comorbidities.

In this case, the prognosis depends on the underlying disease, as His bundle block is just its symptom.

If you have any questions related to your health, book an appointment and get a consultation by a doctor. You can book an appointment on the website and at the specified phone numbers.

Article author - Sergey Poyarkov

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Updated: 11.03.2025
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