Information about the doctor Suvorova Tamara Valeriivna
Category: Second
- Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy
Areas of professional development:
- attends dental continuing education courses: Modern Endodontic Treatment; Art Teeth Modeling; Appropriateness and Technique of Using Post Systems for Restoration of Different Teeth Groups; The Art of Direct Restoration of Anterior Teeth; Posterior Direct Artistry. Simple, Easy, Predictable; States of Emergency in Dentistry; States of Emergency in Dentistry;
- reads professional literature.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- treatment of caries and its complications (caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, non-carious injuries of dental tissues);
- prevention of dental diseases.
- “Currently focus is placed on prevention of dental diseases.”
- “Psychologically it is important to help a patient overcome fear of manipulation. It is necessary to maintain continuous contact with a patient for a long for establishing trusting relationship."
- “A good doctor can analyze the situation, ask a colleague for advice and continuously develop the level of knowledge and skills.”
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- genetics.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- “I love books and my favorite writers are E.M. Remarque and Maurin Lee.”
Doctor's advice:
- “Do not miss preventive examinations and follow recommendations.”
Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':
- “More time is devoted to every patient, which allows improving quality of the provided medical services.”