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Pediatric ophthalmology

Consultation of a pediatric ophthalmologist (pediatric ophthalmology)

The eyes are one of the most important sense organs of a person. With the help of sight, the child learns to know the world and perceives 90% of the information from the world around him. Recently, diseases of the visual system have become very popular. This is due to the use of modern gadgets, mobile phones, laptops, TVs, e-books. All these technologies have a negative effect on visual acuity, lead to eye fatigue. The load on vision also increases during the school years: improper lighting of the workplace, non-compliance with the work-rest regime, insufficient distance from the eyes to the book, awkward position at the desk or table - all these factors contribute to constant strain on the eye muscle, resulting in vision begins to form incorrectly. Any visual impairment, even seemingly minor, changes the quality of life of the child, so it is very important to regularly consult and be examined by a pediatric ophthalmologist.

What diseases does a pediatric ophthalmologist treat?

Pediatric ophthalmologist - a doctor who deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases of the visual system in children. Its competence includes the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • Inflammatory diseases: blepharitis, conjunctivitis, uveitis, keratitis, chalazion/barley, dacryocystitis, etc.
  • Refraction anomalies: myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism.
  • Consequences of injuries of the visual analyzer, removal of foreign bodies from the eye.
  • Strabismus.
  • Congenital pathologies of vision (glaucoma, cataracts).
  • Amblyopia is a "lazy eye" syndrome.
  • Lacrimal duct obstruction.

When is it necessary to consult a pediatric ophthalmologist?

The first scheduled examination by a pediatric ophthalmologist should be performed at the age of 2-3 months, then every six months and a year. In the future, if there are no other medical recommendations, it is recommended to check the child's vision annually. Such periodicity will allow to suspect visual disturbances in time and to carry out a correction in time.

In addition, it is unscheduled to seek help from an ophthalmologist in the following situations:

  • if the baby squints, complains of decreased vision, "bifurcation" of objects, the appearance of "flies" in front of the eyes;
  • there was a sharp, dull eye pain;
  • you notice a pathological discharge from the eye (purulent, serous);
  • tearing;
  • redness, discomfort in the eye;
  • photophobia;
  • swelling in the orbital region;
  • differences in pupil size;
  • strabismus;
  • if you suspect an injury or the presence of a foreign body in the eye.

The network of Dobrobut medical clinics in Kyiv invites young patients and their parents for a consultation and examination by an ophthalmologist. Our specialists will establish an accurate diagnosis, prescribe effective treatment, help identify the causes of vision impairment, monitor the results of therapy, select lenses and glasses, advise methods of prevention of vision preservation. We have all the necessary modern diagnostic equipment, create a friendly atmosphere, and provide high-quality services.

How is a pediatric ophthalmologist's appointment?

Consultation with a pediatric ophthalmologist begins with clarifying complaints, interviewing parents or children, collecting medical history. Next, the specialist proceeds to the examination, during which the determination of refraction, acuity, and nature of vision, the amount of movement of the eyeballs. Ophthalmoscopy (examination of the fundus), biomicroscopy of the eye, autorefractometry, tonometry, perimetry, etc. can be performed. The need to use one or another method of diagnosis is determined by the doctor.

In the network of clinics "Dobrobut" we use the following diagnostic equipment:

  • pediatric autorefractometer PlusOptix (Germany) and universal SHIP-NiPPON (Japan);
  • sign projector with different tests for different age groups Topcon (Japan);
  • biomicroscopy on a slit lamp from Topcon (Japan);
  • Heine binocular ophthalmoscope (Germany);
  • diopmeters for checking Topcon glasses (Japan).

A qualified and accurate diagnosis will help identify ophthalmic disorders and will be the key to successful treatment.


When choosing a method of treatment, our specialists rely only on proven methods that have shown their effectiveness many times. Their choice takes into account not only age but also the individual characteristics of the child, the general nature of the disease.

In the treatment of diseases of the visual organ are widely used:

  • Drug therapy - includes taking antibacterial, antihistamine drugs, instillation of eye drops, application of ointments, and other drugs, which are prescribed based on the etiology of the disease.
  • Physiotherapy involves electrotherapy, light therapy, mechanical therapy, etc., and is an effective method for improving blood circulation in the orbital region, reducing edema.
  • Various methods of hardware treatment are widely used. Surgical treatment in pediatric ophthalmology is used to a limited extent - only in the presence of strict indications and no effect of conservative treatment.

To make an appointment with a pediatric ophthalmologist at the Dobrobut Clinic in Kyiv, as well as to clarify all your questions regarding admission, diagnosis, and treatment - call the numbers of our call center at any time of the day!


  1. Хойт. К. «Детская офтальмология», 2015 г
  2. Міністерство охорони здоров'я України. Наказ від 10 січня 2005 року N 8. Про затвердження протоколів лікування дітей зі спеціальності "Дитяча офтальмологія"
  3. Medelement. Офтальмология.
  4. стандарти надання медичної допомоги в Україні. Дитяча офтальмологія
  5. National Library of Medicine. Guidelines for pediatrician referrals to the ophthalmologist

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Pediatric ophthalmology

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Doctors Pediatric ophthalmology:
29experience (y.)
Hrabova Alla Anatoliivna
Hrabova Alla Anatoliivna
Pediatric ophthalmologist
36experience (y.)
Ivanov Oleksii Viktorovych
Ivanov Oleksii Viktorovych
Pediatric ophthalmologist; Ophthalmologist
14experience (y.)
Kliuiko Iryna Ihorivna
Kliuiko Iryna Ihorivna
Ophthalmologist; Pediatric ophthalmologist
22experience (y.)
Kovalenko Oksana Anatoliivna
Kovalenko Oksana Anatoliivna
Ophthalmologist; Pediatric ophthalmologist
13experience (y.)
Komendatiuk Nataliia Vasylivna
Komendatiuk Nataliia Vasylivna
Pediatric ophthalmologist
25experience (y.)
Ovsiienko Viktoriia Petrivna
Ovsiienko Viktoriia Petrivna
Pediatric ophthalmologist; Ophthalmologist
20experience (y.)
Pylypchuk Nataliia Anatoliivna
Pylypchuk Nataliia Anatoliivna
Pediatric ophthalmologist
27experience (y.)
Sydorova Mariia Valeriivna
Sydorova Mariia Valeriivna
Ophthalmologist; Pediatric ophthalmologist
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