Information about the doctor Konstantynova Olha Volodymyrivna
Work experience: 12 years
Category: Higher
- Danila Galitsky National Medical University in Lviv
Areas of professional development:
- regularly takes upgrading courses, advanced thematic courses, international conferences and webinars;
- participation in scientific conferences and presentation the following topics: Cataract and Phacoemulsification and Comparative Characteristics of the IOP Measurement by the Maklakov Method and Pneumotonometry;
- participation in TOT seminars and work as a trainer in STOP TB PARTNERSHIP and PATH programs.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- all types of refractive errors with correction by glasses and contact lens fitting;
- acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the eye anterior and posterior segments;
- eye injury;
- removal of chalazion.
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- neurosurgery;
- aesthetic cosmetology.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- “My hobby is photography."
Doctor's advice:
- “Do not self-medicate, but contact a specialist and address your problem together with the professional.”