Information1 clinic


Biorevitalization - “beauty injections”, the basic procedure of injection cosmetology, which improves the condition of the skin and allows you to achieve the visual effect of rejuvenation up to 5-7 years. This is the most popular type of injection for a cosmetologist, which is given to patients of any age to prevent age-related changes or correct existing problems.

In Kyiv, competent cosmetologists and dermatologists of the MC Dobrobut clinic perform the procedure. Experts know how to make injections quickly, minimally traumatic, and painless so that you do not feel discomfort during the procedure. A visible improvement in skin condition is observed after one session.

The essence of biorevitalization of the face

After 25-30 years, the content of hyaluronic acid in the skin gradually decreases. The biorevitalization procedure is designed to replenish these reserves and prolong youth.

Biorevitalization - the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations into the deep layers of the skin. This substance attracts and holds water molecules in quantities hundreds of times its weight. Hyaluronic acid stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin, enhances the formation of new cells, and improves the skin frame. As a result, reparative and regenerative processes are activated in the epidermis and dermis.

In addition, injections for biorevitalization of the face normalize the work of the sebaceous glands of the skin, have immunomodulatory properties, and contribute to the restoration of the capillary network. The procedure has an antioxidant effect - it neutralizes free radicals that cause premature aging.

The price of biorevitalization depends on the type of drugs used. The formulations can contain low molecular weight and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, or a combination of these two substances.

The main effects of biorevitalization:

  • deep hydration, making the skin velvety, soft, and tender;
  • light lifting, elimination of skin laxity;
  • prevention and retardation of aging;
  • skin restoration after operations, burns, invasive cosmetic procedures (middle peelings, skin resurfacing);
  • improving skin color and texture;
  • elimination of signs of photoaging.

An undoubted advantage is the affordable price of facial biorevitalization in Kyiv. Because of its low cost, this type of injection rejuvenation is successfully used in most patients who care about their appearance and want to preserve their natural beauty for as long as possible.

What is the difference from mesotherapy

Biorevitalization and mesotherapy have a similar method of conducting - useful substances are introduced into the skin using injections. However, during mesotherapy, the cosmetologist uses complex multicomponent formulations: vitamin and mineral cocktails, peptides and amino acids, lipolytics, enzymes, antioxidants.

The cost of facial biorevitalization in Kyiv is lower compared to mesotherapy. The spectrum of indications is also different. Biorevitalization is used only as an aesthetic procedure to combat the initial signs of aging, and mesotherapy can be prescribed in the complex treatment of diseases of the skin of the face, body, and scalp.

What type of injection cosmetology is right for you, the doctor decides after examining the skin and determining the range of problems. Therefore, it is first recommended to visit a medical consultation and undergo basic diagnostics.

Biorevitalization and bio-reinforcement

Patients often identify these procedures, but they have different indications and results. Bio-reinforcement of the skin with hyaluronic acid is a type of vector lifting for which dense and viscous hyaluronic gels (fillers) are used. Its task is to strengthen and restore the framework of the face to eliminate deep age-related changes.

Bio-reinforcement is carried out after 40-45 years and is considered “heavy artillery”, in contrast to biorevitalization, which is widely used in Ukraine and affordable.

What problems does the procedure solve?

Biorevitalization is recommended to be carried out to effectively eliminate several skin imperfections:

  • dryness and dehydration of the skin;
  • premature skin aging caused by negative external factors (solar radiation, poor ecology, improper home care);
  • hyperpigmentation and photoaging;
  • decreased tone and elasticity of the skin;
  • redness and hyperreactivity of the skin after chemical peels, laser resurfacing;
  • post-acne marks, small scars;
  • first, mimic wrinkles;
  • dull complexion;
  • dark circles under the eyes.

The cost of the biorevitalization procedure is low, therefore it is often prescribed to patients at the stage of preparation for plastic surgery for face correction. Hyaluronic acid replenishes moisture reserves and normalizes metabolism in the skin, which facilitates the intervention and speeds up the rehabilitation period.


Injection rejuvenation is prohibited for patients with the following diseases:

  • acute infectious or inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • exacerbation of chronic dermatoses;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • decompensation of chronic pathology of internal organs;
  • violation of blood clotting;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • malignant tumors.

Biorevitalization is not performed in pregnant women and nursing mothers. Menstruation is not a contraindication, but because of changes in the pain threshold and possible atypical reactions of the body, it is better to postpone the procedure for a couple of days.

Preparation for biorevitalization

The procedure is minimally invasive but requires some preparation, which begins 3 days before the visit to the clinic. It will be necessary to stop taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anticoagulants with the permission of a specialized doctor. For 2 days, you need to exclude the intake of alcohol, and the day before biorevitalization, it is not recommended to apply dense makeup.

The cosmetologist tells in more detail about the preparation and nuances of the injection procedure at the initial appointment. The consultation is not included in the cost of biorevitalization, however, it is recommended for all patients to select a personal health plan and skin treatment.

The technique of the procedure

First, thorough make-up removal and deep cleansing of the skin are carried out using a two-stage washing. The cost of biorevitalization of a face in Kyiv includes the use of local anesthetics to prevent possible discomfort. At the request of the patient, biorevitalization can be performed without anesthesia, since it is not accompanied by severe discomfort.

After 15-20 minutes, when the painkillers have an effect, the beautician proceeds to inject hyaluronic acid into the dermis. The doctor uses the finest needle, punctures which do not leave marks even on delicate areas of the face. Injections are performed in a linear, papular, or point technique, which is determined by the purpose of the procedure and the size of the treated area. The treatment ends with an antiseptic treatment of the skin and the application of a soothing cream.

To achieve a lasting rejuvenation effect and improve skin condition, it will take 3 to 5 sessions. The intervals between procedures are on average 2-3 weeks.

The price of biorevitalization of the facial skin depends on the selected hyaluronic gel, the injection technique, the size of the treated surface. The cost of injectable rejuvenation of the neck, neckline, hands is usually higher since the doctor will need a larger volume of biorevitalizant.

Skincare after biorevitalization

Immediately after the procedure, the patient can leave the clinic and go about his business, and the entire rehabilitation period takes only 3 days. For the skin to heal quickly, you need to adhere to these rules:

  • Apply mild regenerating, moisturizing, and soothing creams to your face;
  • refuse scrubbing, home chemical peels, acid serums, and other aggressive cosmetics;
  • do not touch your face with dirty hands, minimize skin contact with the phone, glasses;
  • give up alcohol and smoking, since bad habits slow down healing and reduce the effect of the procedure;
  • do not expose your skin to hot water, do not visit baths and saunas.

Why is it worth doing biorevitalization in Kyiv at the MC Dobrobut clinic

The effectiveness, comfort, and safety of the procedure directly depend on the experience of the cosmetologist and the level of the clinic. At the MC Dobrobut clinic in Kyiv, patients are offered a procedure for biorevitalization of the face and body, which is carried out by specialists with medical education.

Our advantages:

  • doctors with extensive experience in performing injection cosmetic procedures;
  • certified preparations with hyaluronic acid and “beauty cocktails”;
  • a variety of hardware and injection techniques for aesthetic cosmetology;
  • modern renovation and comfortable atmosphere in the clinic;
  • strict adherence to sanitary and epidemiological requirements;
  • an integrated approach to the elimination of aesthetic imperfections and dermatological diseases of the face and body.

Contact us to make biorevitalization of the skin with hyaluronic acid at an affordable price and see the transformation after the first session. Doctors-cosmetologists will select for you an individual program of procedures and home care to quickly solve all aesthetic problems.

To sign up for the procedure, leave a request in the feedback form or contact us by phone.


  1. Основы практической косметологии: учебное пособие для студентов / В.П. Федотов, В.А. Бочаров, Е.Ю. Корецкая и др. – Запорожье: «Просвіта», 2016.
  2. Михайлова, Н. П., and Н. Е. Нетишинская.Биоревитализация. Биорепарация. Альтернатива или дополнение?. Национального общества мезотерапии (2015): 16.
  3. Авантажиато, А., et al. Биостимуляция и биоревитализация: влияние различных препаратов на фибробласты кожи человека. Инъекционные методы в косметологии 1 (2015): 60-66.
  4. Райцева, Стелла Сергеевна. Классическая биоревитализация и биомолекулярная терапия. Универсальный протокол сочетанного применения мезотерапевтических препаратов Лабораторий Filorga при коррекции инволюционных изменений кожи. Метаморфозы 10 (2015): 50-54.
  5. Лапина, М. А. Воздействие гиалуроновой кислоты на клетки кожи. Биоревитализация. Студенческая наука-2014. 2014.

Service prices:

Biorevitalization (1 syringe) Juvederm Volite12810 uah
Biorevitalization (1 syringe) Teosyal Redensity (I) 3 ml18550 uah
Biorevitalization (1 syringe) Teosyal Redensity (I) 1 ml9450 uah

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Doctors Biorevitalization:
5experience (y.)
Beshkovetska Kateryna Ivanivna
Beshkovetska Kateryna Ivanivna
Cosmetologist; Dermatovenereologist; Pediatric dermatovenereologist; Trichologist
21experience (y.)
Boichun Tetiana Oleksandrivna
Boichun Tetiana Oleksandrivna
Dermatovenereologist; Cosmetologist; Pediatric dermatovenereologist; Trichologist
21experience (y.)
Hunina Nataliia Valeriivna
Hunina Nataliia Valeriivna
A general practitioner is a family doctor; Cosmetologist; Physician
4experience (y.)
Kuzmenko Barbara Andriivna
Kuzmenko Barbara Andriivna
Dermatovenereologist; Cosmetologist
7experience (y.)
Mazur (Lysenko) Liliia Vitaliivna
Mazur (Lysenko) Liliia Vitaliivna
Dermatovenereologist; Cosmetologist; Pediatric dermatovenereologist
16experience (y.)
Chmeliuk Ihor Olehovych
Chmeliuk Ihor Olehovych
Surgeon; Plastic surgeon
3experience (y.)
Yusef Mariia Oleksandrivna
Yusef Mariia Oleksandrivna
Dermatovenereologist; Pediatric dermatovenereologist
2experience (y.)
Yevdokymenko Alona Oleksandrivna
Yevdokymenko Alona Oleksandrivna
Cosmetologist; Medical Intern
18experience (y.)
Popova Maryna Viacheslavivna
Popova Maryna Viacheslavivna
9experience (y.)
Kovalchuk Tetiana Serhiivna
Kovalchuk Tetiana Serhiivna
4experience (y.)
Kudina Lesia Borysivna
Kudina Lesia Borysivna
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