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EMERGENCY HELP: with severe low back pain – cervicago, dorsago, lumbago.
1) orthopedic correction of the spine using the «short arm» method (OC) – refers to the section «manual therapy» – hand treatment.
The main features of this method are: controlled dosing effect; the locality of impact; safety; the possibility of influencing «tight zones of the spine».
Efficiency of the OC:
2) electrotherapy – treatment with electric currents of different forms;
3) magnetotherapy – the use of permanent and alternating magnetic fields;
4) ultrasound therapy (phonophoresis) – a method of injection of medicinal substances usinultrasound;
5) high-intensity laser therapy – a revolutionary technology that allows a deep penetration into tissues and a quick result;
6) shock-wave therapy – a new non-invasive technology for the treatment of pain in the musculoskeletal apparatus. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy is widely used in physiotherapy, orthopedics, as well as in sports medicine. The use is mainly associated with the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal and skeletal disorders, joint, back, and neck pains. The most common indications are: shoulder and knee joint pains, epicondylitis, lower and upper back pains, achillodynia, tendinitis, and trigger point release therapy;
7) pharmacological multiinjection – multi-zone injection, which has an anti-inflammatory analgesic and trophic effect;
8) blockade – the method of injecting medicinal substances directly into the affected zone;
9) plasmalifting – the use of patient’s own blood plasma (autologous platelet plasma (APP)).
APP is a biological stimulator of regeneration processes, which contains growth factors, electrolytes, vitamins, microelements. Being injected into tissues, autoplasma strengthens microcirculation of tissues due to the formation of new vessels, stimulates tissue respiration, metabolism, activates local immunity. It is used to accelerate the recovery processes in areas with pronounced muscle degeneration, as well as in the area of adhesive processes.
10) methods of physical rehabilitation – exercise therapy, which is an integral part of the rehabilitation of patients to restore the tone and performance of lost muscles, joint mobility, and normal movement patterns;
11) osteopathy is a combination of therapeutic and diagnostic techniques that are used to reveal the causes and eliminate disorders by manipulating the anatomical structures of the skull, spine, upper and lower extremities, the musculoskeletal apparatus, internal organs to restore mobility and optimal functioning of the human body. Diagnosis and treatment are performed by a specialist manually.
Despite the fact that osteopathy is a relatively new direction of restorative medicine, nowadays it is one of the leading methods of treatment and prevention of many diseases. The reasons for its popularity are the following:
12) visceral therapy (VT) is aimed at working with internal organs, performed by a specialist manually, softly and safely. Each organ has its amplitude and rhythmicity, and this is ensured by a system of ligaments, which can be damaged by various pathological processes;
13) biopuncture is a kind of pharmacopuncture – a unique complex method of therapeutic effect on the body by injecting drugs into the area of biologically active points;
14) reflexotherapy is a method of physical impact on the point areas of the body surface (acupuncture points). Due to such an influence, an impulse appears that is transmitted to the corresponding nerve centers, and those in turn send the signal to the affected organ, activating the self-healing system of the organism;
15) drug therapy.
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"Dobrobut" Medical Center. Vertebrology
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