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Consultation by geneticist

Genetic counseling provides information about various genetic disorders that you or your family may have. A medical geneticist will take a thorough family history and, based on this, will be able to make a conclusion about the risk of a genetic disorder and prescribe additional tests. It is important to understand that most people are asymptomatic carriers of certain genetic conditions that can only be detected by special testing. If the reproductive partners coincidentally carry the same condition, the risk of having a sick child increases significantly. 

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Who needs to consult a geneticist

Doctors may refer you to a geneticist after reviewing your medical history or your family's medical history. Most often, the need for genetic counseling may arise if: 

You are planning a pregnancy

Pre-pregnancy genetic counseling provides important information about the risk of having a child with a genetic disease or the necessary medical approach in cases of repeated pregnancy loss or infertility. 

If you have undergone genetic testing of embryos in in vitro fertilization (IVF) programs. In order to develop further individual tactics for managing IVF programs and planning pregnancy support in case of a positive program result.

You are pregnant

In case of suspicion of genetic abnormalities or in case of changes in the fetal ultrasound, a geneticist consultation is recommended for the appointment of additional tests and their interpretation. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the geneticist can provide information on the advisability of non-invasive or invasive prenatal testing. 

You know about cases of genetic diseases in your family

People with a family history can have their questions answered during the consultation and find out if there is a suitable genetic test for their case. 

You know you have a genetic syndrome

Patients can seek counseling to answer questions, find out the heredity or prognosis of their disease, and identify possible methods to alleviate symptoms.  

You have clinical symptoms that may be the result of genetic disorders

In these cases, a consultation is necessary, along with all the medical examinations available to the patient, so that a geneticist can evaluate and, if necessary, prescribe the most appropriate genetic test.

How to prepare for a geneticist consultation

Yes, you need to bring all medical reports and test results that may be relevant to the problem with you to the consultation. 

The consultation usually lasts 45 minutes.

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Consultation by geneticist

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Doctors Consultation by geneticist:
27experience (y.)
Atamanchuk Iryna Mykolaivna
Atamanchuk Iryna Mykolaivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Geneticist; Reproductologist; Ultrasound doctor
22experience (y.)
Krasii Lesia Vitaliivna
Krasii Lesia Vitaliivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Ultrasound doctor
29experience (y.)
Parpalei Yevhen Ivanovych
Parpalei Yevhen Ivanovych
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Geneticist; Ultrasound doctor
15experience (y.)
Cholas Eleni Nikolaos
Cholas Eleni Nikolaos
Obstetrician-gynecologist; Ultrasound doctor
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