Information7 doctors2 clinics

Rehabilitation/Habilitation Program for Children with Psychomotor Impairments (24 24 hours)

2 clinicsPediatricsRehabilitationFor children (0 - 17)
Rehabilitation/Habilitation Program for Children with Psychomotor Impairments (24 24 hours)

The rehabilitation/habilitation program for children with psychomotor development includes diagnostics, which is carried out to determine the psychological and motor status, assess the capabilities and skills of the child, and compile an individual habilitation program for children with special needs.

The program aimed at:

  • behavior correction;
  • speech development;
  • acquisition of the necessary skills according to the age of the child;
  • development of cognitive processes (perception, memory, thinking, attention, and speech); 
  • emotional and motivational-volitional processes;
  • motor-motor processes (coordination of movements, objective actions, etc.);
  • formation of academic skills (reading, writing, numeracy).

The program is appointed by one of the specialists: a special psychologist, rehabilitation specialist, speech therapist. The program can be appointed only after consultation with a pediatrician and a neurologist of the medical network "Dobrobut", which were conducted no later than 2 weeks before the program.

The necessary specialists are involved in the implementation of the program to achieve the goals in the areas of the child's immediate development:

  • child psychologist;
  • speech therapist; 
  • rehabilitation specialist;
  • defectologist;
  • occupational therapist;
  • sensory integration specialist.

The specialist who appointed the program, together with a team of specialists involved in the rehabilitation of the child, determine the following parameters:

  • the number of specialists involved in the program;
  • the number of hours per week of each of the specialists;
  • duration of one lesson with each of the specialists;
  • frequency of visits to specialists;
  • a sequence of classes in one day.

A mandatory condition for registration for the service: the presence of a special psychologist.

The program includes 24 classes lasting 1 hour.

Services included in the package:

?Medical and educational services
  • Rehabilitation/abilitation sessions for children with psychomotor disabilities (1 hour) 24 pcs

Doctors providing package services:

Cheberiak Olha Yuriivna
Special psychologist; Child psychologist
32experience (y.)
Haliant Kateryna Dmytrivna
Special psychologist; Child psychologist
9experience (y.)
Krokhina Iryna Viktorivna
Rehabilitation specialist; Children's masseur; Masseur
3experience (y.)
Savonova Nataliia Oleksiivna
Pediatrician; Pediatric psychiatrist
13experience (y.)
Boichenko Viktoriia Ruslanivna
Rehabilitation specialist; Children's masseur; Masseur; Physiotherapist
4experience (y.)
Svirska Nataliia Hennadiivna
Special psychologist; Child psychologist; Psychologist
6experience (y.)
Skorokhodov Vitalii Oleksandrovych
Rehabilitation specialist; Children's masseur; Masseur
11experience (y.)

Clinics providing package services:

Package price:
Rehabilitation/Habilitation Program for Children with Psychomotor Impairments (24 24 hours)
23040 uah

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Rehabilitation/Habilitation Program for Children with Psychomotor Impairments (24 24 hours)

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