What hydrosalpinx is. Symptoms and treatment of the uterine tubes patency

What hydrosalpinx is. Symptoms and treatment of the uterine tubes patency

You can often hear the diagnosis ‘hydrosalpinx’ in gynecologists’ offices. It is the pathological state when liquid called transudate accumulates in the uterine tubes. The second and more common name of the disease is the abnormality of the uterine tubes patency. It is possible to treat hydrosalpinx without a surgery, however, only if there are indications determined by a doctor.

Gynecologists distinguish between unilateral and bilateral hydrosalpinx caused by the following:

  • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and its appendages that ended in complication in the form of adhesive processes;
  • sexually-transmitted infections that have chronic development, for example, chlamydial infection, gonorrhea;
  • unsuccessfully performed surgical intervention in the treatment of pathologies of the internal genital organs;
  • benign/malignant tumors with the localization in any genital organ.

The disease can progress showing no symptoms for a long time, and the only thing that a woman can notice is impossibility to get pregnant in case of complete rejection of the use of contraception. More florid symptoms of abnormality of the uterine tubes patency appear later, when the pathology progresses actively. It can be accompanied with the following symptoms and states:

The main symptom of the disease is no impregnation, as hydrosalpinx and pregnancy are incompatible. It is easy to explain: if the uterine tubes are healthy, an ovum moves freely through them and is available for fertilization; however, if there is liquid in the tube cavity, the cilia located on the internal walls that participate in the moving of an ovum, do not function, as they are bond together, and pregnancy is impossible a priori.

If we are talking about a chronic abnormality of the uterine tubes patency, it is most of all diagnosed accidentally during a scheduled preventive gynecological examination. If a specialist suspects abnormality of the uterine tubes patency, more profound examination with ultrasound will be prescribed to a patient as it allows to determine the dimensions of hydrosalpinx and the presence of inflammatory/infectious pathologies and to detect benign/malignant formations.

A doctor will choose the treatment type after the precise diagnosis is set and the complete characteristics of the pathology are obtained. The treatment may be surgical or therapeutic. A surgery of hydrosalpinx removal is performed not in any case; a woman gets the prescription for antibacterial therapy, douching with medicinal plant infusions, hirudotherapy first. If this type of treatment does not provide positive results, a surgical intervention is advisable.


Often a laparoscopic surgery is performed in case of the abnormality of the uterine tubes patency. A surgeon removes/dissects all the adhesions in the uterine tubes and around them during the surgery. It results in regain of the uterine tubes patency, that, nevertheless, does not guarantee a pregnancy. The problem is that the villi remain slow-moving, and the tubes lose their ability to contract actively, and an ovum cannot move in the uterine cavity without exterior help. Nevertheless, only a laparoscopic surgery in case of hydrosalpinx gives a chance of possibility of biological impregnation.

Article author: Olga Tymofeeva

Publication date: 09.12.2020

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