Denysenko Alina Andriivna

Denysenko Alina Andriivna

4experience (y.)

The Doctor provides the following services:

Consultation by obstetrician-gynaecologist
1390 uah
Consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist in the Emergency Department
1690 uah
Follow-up consultation by obstetrician-gynaecologist (on the results of additional examination within 10 days)
1090 uah
Cobas HPV test, FDA-approved, 14 types of HPV VCF: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68 types (with genotyping of types 16 and 18)
1230 uah
PAP-test (screening test of cervical smear)
325 uah
Liquid Cytology CellPrep PAP test
620 uah
Bacteriological examination of urogenital discharge
540 uah
Quantitative culture for mycoplasma/ureaplasma (DUO)
620 uah
Insertion of intrauterine contraceptive (device cost excluded)
1510 uah
Sampling for PCR-based diagnostics
160 uah
Extraction of intrauterine contraceptive (he 1st category of difficulty)
920 uah
Extraction of intrauterine contraceptive (the 2nd category of difficulty)
2210 uah
Determination of Candida albicans in biological material (PCR method)
770 uah
Determination of Chlamydia trachomatis in biological material (PCR method)
880 uah
Determination of Gardnerella vaginalis in biological material (PCR method)
760 uah
Determination of Mycoplasma genitalis in biological material (PCR method)
750 uah
Determination of Neisseria gonorrheae in biological material (PCR method)
750 uah
Determination of Trichomonas vaginalis in biological material (PCR method)
830 uah
Detection of group B streptococcus (streptococcus agalactiae) with antibiotic sensitivity
540 uah
Gynaecological check-up (for women under 40)
4800 uah
Gynecological check-up (older than 40 years)
6250 uah
Histological examination after endometrial biopsy (aspiration biopsy, curettage, polypectomy)
920 uah
Histological examination after vaginal biopsy
920 uah
Histological examination after cervical biopsy (non-excisional)
920 uah
Examination of the microflora of the urogenital tract in women (according to the Hay-Ison criteria and the Nugent scale)
320 uah
Classical PAP test (cervical smear screening)
500 uah
Complex genotyping of HPV DNA (28 genotypes) in a semi-quantitative form REAL TIME
1495 uah
Urogenital microscopy (1 point: vagina)
250 uah
Microscopy of the biological material
400 uah
Radio wave treatment of uterine cervix pathology
3300 uah
Liquid cytology PAP test
770 uah
Lancing of Bartholin gland abscess
5470 uah
Extended colposcopy
650 uah
Screening for 7 STD (detection of Trichomonas vaginalis, Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum using PCR method) - semiquantitative
1785 uah
Quantification of Ureaplasma urealiticum in biological material (PCR method)
390 uah
Cytological examination of the print with IUD
360 uah
Cultures from Female Genital Tract. Automated Bacterial Species Identification. Antibiotic Sensitivity by Disk Diffusion Method
600 uah
Provision of a pre-analytical stage in the study of other biological material
60 uah
Provision of the pre-analytical stage in the examination of the urogenital smear
100 uah
Removal of sutures
560 uah
Dressing is simple
700 uah
Dressing is foldable
910 uah
Information about the doctor Denysenko Alina Andriivna

Work experience: 4 years


  • Ukrainian Medical and Dental Academy, Faculty of Medicine, specialty “General Medicine”;
  • Poltava State Medical University, internship in obstetrics and gynecology;
  • Kharkiv National Medical University, specialization in pediatric gynecology

Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:

  • regular attendance at scientific and practical conferences, master classes and professional schools;
  • continuing education and professional development in the following areas: laparoscopic and other minimally invasive technologies in surgery and gynecology, hysteroscopy, aesthetic gynecology, and online learning.

Areas of professional development:

  • Erasmus+ program at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki, Greece).

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • gynecological consultation, including management of English-speaking patients;
  • diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections;
  • diagnosis and treatment of leiomyomas and endometriosis;
  • selection of individual contraceptive methods, including the installation of intrauterine devices;
  • preventive gynecological examinations (gynecological check-up);
  • performing surgical gynecological interventions.

Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • Aesthetic gynecology;
  • educational activities and knowledge exchange with colleagues.

Hobbies, favorite movies, books:

  • “My ideal vacation includes reading an interesting book in a comfortable place. The books I often re-read are Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love, City of Girls, and Henry Marsh's Stories of Life, Death, and Neurosurgery. I also enjoy learning foreign languages and am currently studying Spanish. To relieve stress, I do Pilates and run. It gives me great pleasure to go to the theater and concerts.”

Doctor's advice:

  • “Every woman has her own characteristics, so it is important to approach health individually. Regular preventive examinations and consultations with a doctor will help to diagnose possible problems more accurately and choose an effective treatment. This will help maintain your health and improve your quality of life. Do not delay visits to the gynecologist and follow all the recommendations of the specialist.”

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Denysenko Alina Andriivna

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