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Temporary crown on the implant

The process of installing dental implants usually takes a long time and is associated with a number of inconveniences, to compensate for which temporary crowns are used on implants. The period of wearing a temporary denture allows the artificial root to take root completely, and the masticatory load is distributed evenly over the entire dentition, maintaining a normal healthy bite. Temporary construction is performed immediately on the model of a permanent prosthesis. Visually, it will completely repeat its contours and will look like a natural tooth.

Temporary crowns for implants are made of different materials, most often - polycarbonate with the addition of acrylic plastic: they have a budget cost, and the color and texture are as close as possible to real enamel. If the service life of permanent crowns is calculated on average for 10-15 years, then temporary crowns are installed for no more than two years. However, for prostheses that take a couple of weeks to wait for permanent crowns to be installed, this service life is more than enough.

Indications for the installation of a temporary crown on the implant are:

  • the need to restore aesthetics and full masticatory function - especially if the tooth was removed in the front dentition;
  • the need to protect bone and soft tissues from atrophy: after tooth extraction, the bone gradually thins and in the future for implantation may require bone grafting;
  • as a fixed fulcrum in orthodontic treatment: as a result of tooth extraction, a free space is formed in the dentition, which can lead to displacement;

In addition, temporary crowns on implants have the following advantages:

  • Allow keeping the correct sound pronunciation.
  • Eliminate painful sensations caused by mechanical damage and the effects of temperature differences.
  • Accelerate the process of adaptation to a permanent crown.
  • Protect a sensitive tooth after surgical manipulation from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Contribute to the preservation of a beautiful gingival contour.

The disadvantages include the porosity of the material used for the temporary crown. It leads to the darkening and accumulation of bacteria during the long-term operation of the prosthesis.

How is a temporary implant made?

There are two methods: direct and indirect.

In the direct method, the doctor removes the impression from the dentition using a silicone mold. Based on the finished print is made, polished, and brought in the proper form of the crown of the selected material. Fastening is carried out by means of special dental cement.

The indirect method already implies the involvement of equipment and specialists of the dental laboratory. Manufacturing takes not 1-2 hours, but 1-2 days, and it happens after the orthopedist passes the molds to dental technicians.

With the direct method of making a temporary crown, the design is less durable, it is used when you need urgent tooth restoration. In the indirect method, the prosthesis is created in strict accordance with the individual parameters and anatomical features of the patient, which makes the crown more comfortable and reliable.

The method of installation is selected by the doctor together with the patient. Removal of the temporary crown occurs immediately before permanent prosthetics using ultrasound.

Care rules:

Although the temporary crown on the implant is installed for a certain period before the activation of the permanent, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations to make the wearing period as comfortable as possible. For the period of installation of a temporary crown on the implant, it is necessary to limit the use of solid and traction products, such as nuts, apples, toffees, caramels, etc., as the structure does not have such a percentage of strength to withstand such loads. It is also not necessary to use coloring products as the materials used for a temporary crown possess a porous structure and can quickly come to an unaesthetic look. When eating, it is recommended to evenly distribute the load on the jaws. And when brushing your teeth you should use brushes with soft bristles and toothpaste without abrasive particles. Following these simple rules, the temporary crown on the implant will retain its original appearance and will serve you well until the installation of a permanent one.

Specialists of Dobrobut dental clinics in Kyiv are engaged in the installation of temporary and permanent implants. In our arsenal: modern diagnostic equipment, the best quality materials, service of the European level, and reasonable cost of services in comparison with the prices across Ukraine. We will help you recreate a beautiful and healthy smile! Sign up today!


  1. Omega Dental Houston TX. A Complete guide to Dental Implants Process and Timeline, 2021 -
  2. British Dental Journal. Surgical guidelines for dental implant placement, 2004 -
  3. BERTELÉ G, PASQUALINI ME, BILUCAGLIA L, MIRANDOLA A. Implantologia: dall’ipotesi al carico immediato. European Journal of Implant Prosthodontics. 2005

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Temporary crown on the implant

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Doctors Temporary crown on the implant:
24experience (y.)
Borys Nataliia Heorhiivna
Borys Nataliia Heorhiivna
23experience (y.)
Kovbasniuk Maryna Serhiivna
Kovbasniuk Maryna Serhiivna
Dentist-therapist (expert)
23experience (y.)
Mnukhina Natalia Valeriivna
Mnukhina Natalia Valeriivna
23experience (y.)
Orlova Natalia Anatoliivna
Orlova Natalia Anatoliivna
Orthodontist, Gnathologist
12experience (y.)
Plyska Vladyslav Viktorovych
Plyska Vladyslav Viktorovych
15experience (y.)
Suvorova Tamara Valeriivna
Suvorova Tamara Valeriivna
17experience (y.)
Tsukur Tetiana Mykolaivna
Tsukur Tetiana Mykolaivna
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