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Classes on speech development

Sooner or later, parents are faced with the question: how to engage in speech development with young children?

After all, everyone understands that language and reason are closely interconnected, and if you want to raise a healthy and well-developed child, you should first pay attention to speech development classes.

Proper pronunciation, sufficient vocabulary, well-organized language learning guarantees the upbringing of a smart child.

However, many parents in Ukraine face such problems when a child speaks little for his age, reluctantly repeats words and expressions after them, mispronounces certain sounds, the baby's language is formed indistinct, incoherent. In this case, the best solution would be to seek the help of a pediatric speech therapist in Kyiv - a specialist who deals with problems in the child's language development. The sooner deviations from the norm are noticed and work with specialists begins, the better the results will be achieved.

Before starting private lessons with a speech therapist on speech correction and development, the specialist diagnoses the child's speech, identifying the presence of the defect and its cause. Then he develops an individual plan of correctional work and selects appropriate techniques for its effective implementation.

The main tasks and goals of speech therapist-defectologist in Ukraine are:

  • stimulating early language development;
  • sound pronunciation correction;
  • development of coherent speech of the child;
  • enrichment and clarification of vocabulary;
  • storytelling;
  • development of phonemic hearing, etc.

The network of medical clinics "Dobrobut" in Kyiv offers kids and their parents to come to classes with a children's speech therapist on speech development.

We use modern techniques with proven effectiveness, namely:

  • methods of early speech stimulation;
  • methods of sound production and automation;
  • methods of development of coherent speech;
  • speech therapy massage;
  • methods of contact and communication;
  • logarithmic classes;
  • kinesiological gymnastics;
  • work with a balance weight.

Working with young patients has its specifics, and our specialists will be able to find an approach to any child and will do everything to make your baby feel comfortable during classes.

To register for classes, as well as to clarify the cost of classes, prices, call our call center or use the feedback service on the site.


  1. Г. В. Бабина, Д.И. Белякова, Р.Е. Идес «Практикум по логопедии: дизартрия», 2016г
  2. Е.А. Бабкова, Н.С. Катэрлин «Правильно говорим, думаем, запоминаем!», 2018г
  3. Е.В. Лаврова «Логопедия. Основы фонопедии», 2017г.
  4. И.Г. Андреева «Логопедические занятия по развитию связной речи младших школьников», часть 2, 2018г.

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Classes on speech development

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Doctors Classes on speech development:
39experience (y.)
Parteshko Iryna Borysivna
Parteshko Iryna Borysivna
Children's speech therapist
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