Encephalogram of the brain (EEG)
Electroencephalography (from Greek enkephalo - brain and graphein - to write) is a method of studying brain activity. EEG measures and records the bioelectrical activity of the brain. The EEG of a normal healthy adult at relative rest is characterized by two main types of rhythms: α-rhythm with oscillation frequency of 8-13 Hz and amplitude of 25-55 μV, β-rhythm with values of 14-30 Hz and 15-20 μV, respectively. Various pathologies alter the encephalogram pattern.
Service prices:
- Adult video monitoring (EEG) not exceeding 1 hour 2590 uah
- Video electroencephalography for adults up to 3 hours 5760 uah
- Video-EEG monitoring in adults, up to 30 minutes 1610 uah
- Video-EEG monitoring in children from 2 up to 4 years old 1770 uah
- Video monitoring (EEG) for children older than 4 years and adults 1970 uah
- Video-EEG monitoring of daytime sleep in children and adults 4360 uah
- Conduction of EEG (EEG) for newborns and children up to 2 years 1880 uah
- Video-EEG monitoring (up to 30 minutes) at home, Kyiv Probably at home 3150 uah
- Video-EEG monitoring of daytime sleep in children and adults (up to 90 minutes) at home, Kyiv Probably at home 5690 uah
EEG is used to assess brain abnormalities:
- Diagnosing epilepsy, monitoring, selecting therapy and determining the type of seizures.
- Finding out the cause of sudden loss of consciousness.
- Determining the type of dementia.
- Investigating the causes of sleep disorders.
- Tracking brain activity during operations under general anesthesia.
- Diagnosing tumors.
- Determining brain death.
What does the EEG of the brain in children show? Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to study functional disorders in neurology (neurotic, emotional, behavioral and cognitive disorders, psychosomatic diseases).
How the test is done
A standard EEG takes about an hour. The patient usually sits on a couch or in a comfortable chair. To measure electrical activity in different parts of the brain, the medical professional fixes up to 20 electrodes on the patient's scalp or puts on a special cap with sensors attached. A computer records the electrical activity of the brain on the screen and on paper as a series of wavy lines.
EEG video monitoring helps the doctor see what is happening just before, during, and after an epileptic seizure and identify the specific area of the brain responsible for the abnormalities. This type of study is necessary to diagnose psychogenic seizures, which may look like real seizures but do not affect the electrical activity of the brain. Video monitoring is short-term and long-term. The first is possible in an outpatient setting and lasts up to six hours. The patient moves freely with sensors attached to the head, which allows for a long period of time to record brain activity. Long-term monitoring is carried out in a hospital, the study takes 3-7 days.
Electroencephalography during a child's sleep (often called EEG of a child's sleep) is the most indicative diagnostic method of studying the functional activity of the brain. It allows differentiating epileptic and non-epileptic causes of the disease. For children under a year of age, EEG is performed only in the state of sleep. To make sure that the baby falls asleep, it is advisable to take into account his usual sleep and wakefulness schedule when appointing the time of the procedure.
How much does it cost to undergo an EEG
The study is performed according to a standard protocol with special tests. Usually EEG is performed using stroboscopic stimulation (exposure of the eyes to flashes of bright light) and hyperventilation (deep breathing).
The cost depends on the type of EEG. The price for overnight EEG monitoring is higher than the standard study. During a specialized EEG, the patient is placed in a room that encourages relaxation, electrodes are connected and asked to fall asleep. The cost of a brain encephalogram for a child over two years old is identical to that for adults. Conducting an EEG for newborns and children under two years of age will cost less.
You can find out how much it costs to undergo an EEG on our website Dobrobut.com. The site also lists all possible payment methods.
Deciphering the results of the study: rhythmic bioelectrical activity with bursts of paroxysmal activity indicates the presence of an area in which the processes of excitation exceed inhibition. Such EEG may indicate the presence of migraine in the patient.
Diffuse changes in EEG bioelectrical activity of the brain in the absence of other disorders can be considered a variant of the norm. That is, if the conclusion records only the presence of diffuse or moderate changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain without identified paroxysms or foci of pathological activity, then the diagnosis of epilepsy is not confirmed.
Where can I get a brain electroencephalogram? In a hospital, private clinic or any other medical facility that has an electroencephalograph and performs brain tests.
List of sources, literature ↓
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