InformationWhereServices15 reviews
Letychevska Veronika Oleksandrivna

Letychevska Veronika Oleksandrivna

Pediatrician; Pediatric neurologist
6experience (y.)
5/ 5raiting based on
15 reviews
child doctor
Mobile services

The Doctor provides the following services:

Pediatric epileptologist consultation
1340 uah
Pediatric neurologist consultation
1340 uah
Consultation by paediatric physician
1290 uah
Adult video monitoring (EEG) not exceeding 1 hour
2350 uah
Video electroencephalography for adults up to 3 hours
5240 uah
Video-EEG monitoring in adults, up to 30 minutes
1460 uah
Ruffier test
170 uah
Video-EEG monitoring of daytime sleep in children and adults
3960 uah
Video-EEG monitoring in children from 2 up to 4 years old
1610 uah
Video monitoring (EEG) for children older than 4 years and adults
1790 uah
Conduction of EEG (EEG) for newborns and children up to 2 years
1710 uah
Program "My first check-up"
3660 uah
The program "My child" (from a month to a year)
6720 uah
Medical examination program "School" (from 5 to 17 years)
4100 uah
Extended health check-up programme for pre-school age children (due to medical necessity)
8440 uah
Extended health check-up programme for adolescents (due to medical necessity)
15360 uah
Prenatal consultation of a pediatrician/family doctor for care of the baby
2000 uah
Video-EEG monitoring (up to 30 minutes) at home, Kyiv
2860 uah
Video-EEG monitoring of daytime sleep in children and adults (up to 90 minutes) at home, Kyiv
5170 uah
Medical examination program "School +"
5340 uah
The patronage program for children up to 1 year MAXI
19230 uah
MINI patronage program for children up to 1 year old
11650 uah
Patronage program for children up to 1 year STANDARD
14400 uah
Information about the doctor Letychevska Veronika Oleksandrivna


  • Bogomolets National Medical University;
  • Shupyk National University of Health Care of Ukraine

Scientific activity:

  • co-authored articles in Ukrainian scientific journals;
  • report at the School of Neurology in Göttingen, Germany, 2018.

Areas of professional development:

  • member of the Ukrainian Academy of Pediatrics;
  • secretary of the Central Ukrainian Academy of Pediatrics;
  • member of the Youth Committee of the European Academy of Pediatrics;
  • specialization in pediatric neurology (PL Shupyk NGO);
  • listener, organizer and speaker at conferences on pediatric neurology, pediatrics, etc. 2021;
  • work in the inpatient and outpatient department "Dobrobut" with pediatric and neurological patients;
  • further scientific and educational activities in the fields of pediatrics and pediatric neurology.

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • keeping a healthy child under 1 year;
  • drawing up a vaccination schedule;
  • neurodevelopmental disorders;
  • Infectious diseases.

Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:

  • pediatric neurology;
  • child psychiatry;
  • genetics;
  • functional diagnostics.

Hobbies, favorite movies, books:

  • "Hobbies: orienteering, swimming, skiing, hiking. Favorite books: Douglas Adams "Hitchhiking in the Galaxy", W. Hugo "Disadvantaged""

Doctor's advice:

  • "Never search Google and your child for symptoms - see a doctor right away!"

Patient reviews of Letychevska Veronika Oleksandrivna QR

Physician performance appraisal:

Overall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patient15 reviews
Overall rating from the patient5/ 5
raiting based on
15 reviews
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor

Лікар дуже уважна, приємна. Рекомендували декілька лікарів саме лікаря Летичевську, як одного з найкращих фахівців з дитячої неврології в Києві. Дуже вдячна за можливість отримати професійну медичну...

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– Ганна16.10.2024
Ганна, дякуємо за ваш відгук! Ми були раді допомогти і співпрацювати з вами. Завжди раді бачити задоволених пацієнтів, які отримують професійну медичну допомогу. Дякуємо за довіру!З побажаннями міцного здоров`я, Команда Добробут

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Letychevska Veronika Oleksandrivna

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