Removal of papillomas using the electrocoagulation technique: advantages and disadvantages

Removal of papillomas using the electrocoagulation technique: advantages and disadvantages

Electrocoagulation is the removal of superficial skin formations by the method of cauterization performed with the special device that generates electric current. The procedure lasts only several minutes (for example, electrocoagulation of papillomas, birthmarks, warts) and has many substantial advantages, such as:

Consequences of electrocoagulation are minimal.

 The disadvantages of the procedure include pain in the process of it.

Electrocoagulation of papillomas is performed at beauty salons and health clinics. The procedure allows for quick and quality removal of any papillomas that prevents the risk of their transformation in malignant neoformations.


The duration of the procedure depends on the quantity of papillomas and their dimensions. Pedunculated neoformations are the fastest to remove. Emerods on the broad bases are cauterized layer-by-layer. Wound care after an electrocoagulation is not very difficult to perform. Everything that is required from the patient is the treatment of the wound surface with a disinfecting solution several times a day.

The procedure that helps to get rid of dilated capillars on the face; it is performed with the use of the device that generates low-frequency electric current. As a rule, one electrocoagulation session is applied to this region. An additional session may be prescribed, if necessary, however, not earlier than in 10 days.


Stages of electrocoagulation of vessels on the face:

  • a face region is treated with a disinfecting solution, then the anesthesia with lidocain is performed;
  • a doctor cauterizes vessels with a needle guide;
  • when the procedure comes to its end, the skin is treated with a disinfecting solution, and a corticosteroid cream is applied (to prevent complications).

Condylomas (genital papillomas) are cone-shaped emerods on the skin. As a rule, these neoformations are indicative of a sexually transmitted virus infection. There are five effective techniques of condyloma removal: surgery, cryodestruction, radiosurgery and electrocoagulation.


Electrocoagulation is applied in the most complicated cases, it is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure lasts 10 to 20 minutes, the recovery is about two weeks.

Cervical electrocoagulation is the procedure applied for the treatment of erosions and neoformations. The technique is considered as the safest and is performed under local anesthesia.


Indications for this procedure:

  • papillomavirus;
  • cervical cyst;
  • erosion and glandular-papillary cervical erosion;
  • cervicitis;
  • subepithelial endometriosis;
  • bleeding provoked by the diagnostic examination.


The procedure is prescribed for the 4th or the 5th day after the end of the menstrual cycle.


The rehabilitation period after the electrocoagulation is on average 7 to 10 days. Within this period a woman is not allowed to attend a bath-house or a swimming pool, to have sexual intercourses and physical loads. Transparent discharge with a small amount of blood is considered normal.

Laser treatment and electrocoagulation are most commonly used for removal of benign neoformations, papillomas and birthmarks. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of laser therapy:

  • minimal traumatization of adjacent skin regions;
  • maximum exposure accuracy.

Disadvantages of laser are: high procedure price and impossibility to perform it on the dark skin.

Electrocoagulation has more advantages, the most substantial are as follows: removal of a neoformation in one session, possibility of its histopathological examination and no bleeding during the procedure. The price of electrocoagulation is affordable, its cost depends on the model. Only a specialist can decide which is better – electrocoagulation or laser, depending on a case.

A wound cicatrization period lasts two to three weeks. Doctors recommend to treat the wound surface edges with an antiseptic within the first 7 days. A crust is formed on the place of direct impact of the guide which you should not tear off. Failing this, there is a possibility of skin pigmentation. A doctor will give you more specific recommendations.

Article author: Leonid Siruk

Publication date: 20.12.2020

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