InformationWhereServices5 reviews
Kuzevanova Mariia Vladilenivna

Kuzevanova Mariia Vladilenivna

Ultrasound doctor
30experience (y.)
child doctor
The Doctor Doctor takes in clinic
Nearest pickup time: 20.03.2025 15:30

The Doctor provides the following services:

1720 uah
Paediatric echocardiography
1720 uah
Information about the doctor Kuzevanova Mariia Vladilenivna

Work experience: 29 years

Category: Higher


  • Donetsk State Medical University named after M. Gorky, Medical Faculty No. 2;
  • Donetsk State University of Management, specialization "Management of non-production sphere"

Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:

  • member of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging;
  • member of the Ukrainian Association of Ultrasound Diagnostics Specialists;
  • member of the Ukrainian Doppler Club;
  • member of the Heart Failure Association;
  • member of the Association of Specialists in Cardiothoracic, Endovascular Surgery and Transplantation;
  • member of the Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine;
  • participation in national and international congresses and conferences on cardiology.

Scientific activity:

  • candidate of Medical Sciences since 2008. D. in Cardiology on the topic "Features of the structure and function of the left ventricle in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy";
  • actively engaged in research work, scientific interests in such disciplines as cardiology, echocardiography, ultrasound and functional diagnostics;
  • author and co-author of 51 printed works, including 5 independent, 14 journal articles (8 of them in leading domestic and foreign journals), as well as 28 articles abroad (USA, Canada, Japan, Austria, France, England). One of the works is included in the Web of Science database, works in professional journals, including category B;
  • co-author of a chapter in the book "Chronic Heart Failure";
  • Participation in trainings and forums, in particular those dedicated to congenital heart disease, which provide modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment.
  • presentations at scientific and practical conferences, such as "Orphan Diseases in Cardiology", on the role of echocardiography in the management of patients with transplanted hearts, as well as the XXVIII All-Ukrainian Congress of Cardiovascular Surgeons, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery.

Teaching and / or lecturing:

  • assistant of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1 of DNMU;
  • associate Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 3 of DNMU and Associate Professor of the Department of Radiology of the Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education;
  • acting Head of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 3 of DNMU;
  • gives lectures, conducts practical classes for interns in Radiology and medical students in Ultrasound Diagnostics.

Areas of professional development:

  • work experience as a cardiac ultrasound doctor at the Department of Functional and Ultrasound Diagnostics of the Diagnostic Service of the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital of Donetsk Medical Institute. Donetsk;
  • In 2020, she was awarded a diploma for significant personal contribution to the scientific development of students and national medical science, in the preparation of students and young people for the 82nd All-Ukrainian Scientific Medical Congress of Students and Young Scientists;
  • completed a scientific and pedagogical internship at the Collegium Civitas University in Warsaw.

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • echocardiography;
  • echocardiography for children.

Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:

  • "For a better understanding of cardiac pathology, the issues of nephrology, pulmonology, vascular pathology and endocrinology are always relevant and of professional interest. Understanding the pathology and management of cardiac pathology allows us to give timely advice to patients about their diseases. Knowledge and understanding of the development of modern cardiac surgery are integral components in the work of an echocardiographer."

Hobbies, favorite movies, books:

  • "Traveling fills life with vivid memories, the feeling of physical activity trains the heart and will. Looking at the beauty of a snow-capped peak gives you confidence when descending a mountain track, and planting and caring for plants and flowers is the way to a harvest of vitamins and emotions. His literary interests are very diverse: from energy practices for greater self-understanding to George Orwell's 1984."

Doctor's advice:

  • "Every person from the age of majority should understand and take responsibility for their health. As each of us builds our lives in terms of nutrition, physical activity, emotional stability, bad habits and preventive examinations, so our body will be grateful to us in the future when the aging process will have less impact on us. As for the percentage distribution of the impact on our health: 20% is our genes and heredity; 20% is the environment, the place where we live; 50% is ourselves, our lifestyle and our habits, and only 10% is the help of modern medicine and doctors. Take responsibility for your health in a timely manner so that you can still be willing and able to fulfill your aspirations at the age of 70. The most difficult job is to work on yourself!"

Patient reviews of Kuzevanova Mariia Vladilenivna QR

Physician performance appraisal:

Overall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patientOverall rating from the patient5 reviews
Overall rating from the patient5/ 5
raiting based on
5 reviews
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Kuzevanova Mariia Vladilenivna

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