Kaleniuk Andrii Serhiiovych

Kaleniuk Andrii Serhiiovych

Rehabilitation specialist
8experience (y.)
The Doctor Doctor takes in clinic
Nearest pickup time: Завтра о 08:00

The Doctor provides the following services:

Consultation with a doctor of physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM)
1470 uah
(LT) Laser therapy (MLS) (1 session, 15-20 min)
850 uah
Kinesis taping 1 category of complexity
700 uah
Kinesio taping of the 2nd category of difficulty
880 uah
Kinesis taping 3 category of complexity
1070 uah
High intensity laser therapy for adults (1 session, 5-15 min.)
640 uah
Manual correction of spine
1300 uah
Manual therapy (1 session, 30 min) (performed by a PMR doctor)
1410 uah
PRP therapy in orthopaedy, traumatology and vertebrology (1 procedure)
2700 uah
Repeated consultation with a physician of physical and rehabilitation medicine (FRM) (within 30 days)
1200 uah
Reflexotherapy (Chinese acupuncture, Su Joc acupuncture, acupressure)
1500 uah
Treatment/development of traumatic changes (massage, exercise therapy, myofascial release, musculoskeletal system, joint correction) 45 min
1140 uah
Treatment/development of traumatic changes (massage, exercise therapy, myofascial release, musculoskeletal system, joint correction) 60 min
1500 uah
Treatment/development of traumatic changes (massage, exercise therapy, myofascial release, post-isometric muscle relaxation(PIR), joint correction) 30 min
810 uah
Information about the doctor Kaleniuk Andrii Serhiiovych

Work experience: 8 years


  • Kyiv Medical University, internship in neurology;
  • Shupyk National University of Health, specialization in Sports Medicine and Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:

  • systematic attendance of specialized courses, conferences and thematic improvement events aimed at mastering modern methods of physical and rehabilitation medicine;
  • mastering modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation: autologous plasma therapy (PRP therapy), blockades for back pain, kinesiotaping, botulinum therapy, reflexology, fascial distortion model (FDM therapy), manual therapy.

Areas of professional development:

  • 2018-2022: practical experience as a neurologist, vertebrologist;
  • 2022-2024: medical service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (veteran).

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • physical and rehabilitation medicine (use of modern methods of kinesitherapy, exercise therapy and PRP therapy to restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system; use of manual therapy to improve the condition of the spine and joints; blockades for back pain to quickly relieve pain and facilitate movement)
  • rehabilitation of athletes after sports injuries;
  • rehabilitation of military personnel (recovery from injuries sustained during combat operations, with a focus on restoring functionality, mobility and quality of life).

Hobbies, favorite movies, books:

  • “My favorite book is Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.”

Doctor's advice:

  • “Take care of your body - it is your most valuable resource! Regular physical activity, quality recovery and timely visits to a doctor will help you maintain strength, endurance and mobility. If you feel pain or discomfort, do not hesitate to visit a specialist. Timely diagnosis, individualized rehabilitation, and following the recommendations of a specialist will help you recover faster and return to an active life. Your health deserves care and attention!”

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Kaleniuk Andrii Serhiiovych

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