Rozhkova Zinaida Zalmanivna

Rozhkova Zinaida Zalmanivna

34experience (y.)
Information about the doctor Rozhkova Zinaida Zalmanivna

Category: Higher

Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:

  • since 1999: member of the European Association of Radiologists (ECR);
  • since 2000: member of the European Association for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB);
  • since 2006: member of the Association of North American Radiologists (RSNA);
  • since 2007: member of the European Association of Neurologists (ENA);
  • since 2010: member of the World Association for Molecular Imaging (WAMI).

Scientific activity:

  • PhD (Physics and Mathematics);
  • author of more than 200 articles, 43 of which are in foreign journals;
  • translator of the monograph “MRI in medicine and biology: molecular structure, tomography, in-vivo spectroscopy” from German into Russian;
  • member of the editorial board of a number of specialized journals;
  • participates in 8 clinical trials as radiologist and MRI specialist.

Teaching and / or lecturing:

  • lecturer of two author's training courses Physics of MRI and Modern Methods of Imaging and their Clinical Applications developed to train specialists of the Department of Medical Radiophysics in the area of medical imaging.

Areas of professional development:

  • after graduating from the Faculty of Physics of the University, received specialization as an X-ray physicist, a specialist in spectral analysis;
  • as a junior researcher of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine worked as MR spectroscopy specialist investigating structure and functions of organic molecules including reaction mechanisms;
  • defended thesis in radiospectroscopy;
  • worked as medical physicist and MRI specialist at the institutes of the AMS of Ukraine in the position of senior researcher;
  • defended thesis Biophysics as Medical Physics;
  • taught at the T.G. Shevchenko National Medical University at the Department of Medical Radiophysics and at the National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy at the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • study of the relationship between structure, metabolism and functions of the brain in health and disease.

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Rozhkova Zinaida Zalmanivna

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