Consultation of a physical therapist/rehabilitator for children
Therapeutic massage of the upper limb (according to medical indications) (20 min.)
Therapeutic massage of the upper limb, shoulder girdle and shoulder area (20 min), (for medical reasons)
Therapeutic massage along the spine (25 min), (for medical reasons)
Therapeutic massage of thoracic cage (anterior surface) (due to medical necessity) (15 min)
Therapeutic massage of hand and forearm (due to medical necessity)
Therapeutic massage of the knee joint (for medical reasons)
Therapeutic massage of the lower limb (20 min), (for medical reasons)
Therapeutic massage of the lower extremity of the thigh area (according to medical indications) (15 min.)
Therapeutic massage of the lower limb and lower back (for medical reasons)
Therapeutic massage of the shoulder joint (the upper third of the shoulder, the shoulder joint area and the shoulder girdle of the same side), (for medical reasons).
Therapeutic massage of the lumbosacral spine (20 min), (for medical reasons)
Therapeutic massage of foot and shin (20 minutes) (due to medical necessity)
Therapeutic massage of hip joint (due to medical necessity)
Therapeutic massage of the cervical collar zone (for medical reasons)
General massage (according to medical indications) (60 minutes)
(Exercise therapy) Therapeutic gymnastics (due to medical necessity), 1 session, 30 minutes
(MT) Magnetotherapy (1 session)
Dynamic taping of the 1st complexity category
Dynamic taping of the 2nd complexity category
Dynamic taping (the 3rd category of difficulty)
Kinesis taping 1 category of complexity
Kinesio taping of the 2nd category of difficulty
Kinesis taping 3 category of complexity
Kinesitherapy (30 minutes) (rehabilitation)
Therapeutic massage of back (lumbosacral spine) (20 minutes) (due to medical necessity)
Therapeutic massage of the cervico-thoracic spine (for medical reasons)
Treatment/development of traumatic changes (massage, exercise therapy, myofascial release, musculoskeletal system, joint correction) 45 min
Treatment/development of traumatic changes (massage, exercise therapy, myofascial release, post-isometric muscle relaxation(PIR), joint correction) 30 min
Kinesiotherapy group lesson 30 min.
Kinesiotherapy group lesson 45 min
Kinesiotherapy group lesson 60 min.
Standard rehabilitation programme (5 sessions)
Extended rehabilitation programme (10 sessions)
Program Therapeutic massage along the spine 25 (according to medical indications) (10 massages of 25 min)