Emergency response team dispatch
Medical care is provided to adults and children by Dobrobut medical emergency teams around the clock, and ambulances are called regardless of place of residence or registration.
The emergency service is equipped with everything necessary to provide qualified medical care to adults and children of all ages.
Service prices:
Provision of emergency medical care out-of-hospital to a patient (1.5 hour) | 5800 uah |
Provision of emergency medical care out-of-hospital to a patient (1.5 hour) | 3850 uah |
Provision of emergency medical care in a 30-km zone for outside the city of Kyiv | 990 uah |
An ambulance is dispatched:
1. In situations that directly threaten life and require resuscitation and are accompanied by
- absence of breathing
- ineffective breathing;
- signs of massive blood loss/bleeding;
Due to:
- all types of injuries of various etiologies;
- influence of external factors (electric shock, lightning, etc.);
- intoxication and poisoning, including bites of animals, insects, etc.
- acute and chronic diseases.
2. In case of emergencies that pose a threat to human life and health and may lead to a sharp deterioration in the case of untimely medical care, therefore, require an ambulance to be called immediately:
- disturbance/loss of consciousness;
- bleeding;
- signs of acute coronary syndrome - pain/discomfort in the chest, heart rhythm disturbances;
- signs of acute cerebral stroke;
- respiratory disorders;
- all types of injuries of various etiologies;
- exposure to external factors (burns, frostbite, electric shock, lightning, etc.);
- intoxication and poisoning, including animal and insect bites, etc;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- alcohol intoxication syndrome;
- fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, etc;
- headache, dizziness, weakness;
- nausea, vomiting;
- increased blood pressure;
- pain of various localization;
- pain syndrome in cancer patients;
3. Ambulance - scheduled on-call visits:
- to provide consultative medical care in medical institutions (by prior agreement with the clinic or a call from the clinic doctor)
- transportation (medical escort) of patients to medical institutions at the request of the patient / his/her representatives;
- anesthesia support on the customer's territory;
- transportation of patients within Ukraine and abroad.
The ambulance team does not leave in the following cases:
- acute psychosis;
- intake of narcotic and psychotropic substances.
Advantages of emergency care of IM “Dobrobut”
- The level of training of medical personnel is checked annually by certified instructors of the European Resuscitation Council;
- Ambulances comply with the Class C certificate (resuscitation vehicle);
- Medication supply complies with the current orders of the Ministry of Health and exceeds them in many respects;
- The diagnostic and treatment protocols used by the teams are based on evidence-based medicine, meet international requirements and have a high level of efficiency;
- All life support equipment has autonomous power sources, which allows it to operate in isolation from any power supply for 2.5-3 hours, and in combination with power from the onboard inverter of the ambulance with a capacity of 1.5 kW, the equipment can meet the patient's long-term needs.
- The minimum oxygen supply in the ambulance is 10,000 liters. That is enough for an adult to breathe 100% oxygen for 24 hours.