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Spinal cord tumors

A spinal cord tumor is a neoplasm that occurs both in the spinal cord and in its membranes or spine, which can be either benign or malignant.

What types of spinal cord tumors are there?

To the spinal cord:

  1. Intramedullary - grows inside the brain;
  2. Extramedullary - outside the spinal cord.

A spinal cord tumor can occur anywhere in the spinal cord.

What is an operation to remove a spinal cord tumor?

This is a microsurgical operation that requires the use of highly specialized medical equipment and a high professional level of specialists.

For this, special optics are used, which allows you to delicately operate, minimizing additional damage, possible complications and shortening the rehabilitation period.

How to prepare for the operation?

Before the operation, our specialists examine the patient, send him to the necessary examinations, after which they establish a diagnosis and take into account contraindications for surgery.

The patient will need to undergo a comprehensive examination and pass the necessary tests before the operation, which our specialists will voice to him.

How is spinal cord tumor surgery performed?

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Removal of the tumor is carried out under the watchful control of a special microscope, which allows you to see the structures in great detail and distinguish the healthy part of the spinal cord from the tumor. This is very important, as there is a high probability of damage to the structures of the spinal cord. For removal, laser equipment or ultrasound is used, which allows you to destroy the neoplasms without damaging the adjacent structures.

The recovery period can take several weeks or even months.

The cost of surgery to remove a spinal cord tumor at Dobrobut Medical Center in Kyiv will depend on factors such as size, location, type of tumor, and the removal technique that will be used.

You can sign up for a consultation with our MS Dobrobut specialists in Kyiv by leaving a request on our website, or by calling the call center number.


  1. Инновационные технологии в хирургии позвоночника и спинного мозга: Мат. II съезда Рос. Ассоциацией хирургов-вертебрологов (RASS): Публ. Приглашенных лекторов. – М., 2011.
  2. Kurokawa T. Spinal cord action potentials evoked by epidural stimulation of the spinal cord, Nouha to Kindennzu (Jpn J Electroenceph Electromyogr) 1972;- №1.

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Spinal cord tumors

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Doctors Spinal cord tumors:
32experience (y.)
Mamenko Oleh Yuriiovych
Mamenko Oleh Yuriiovych
27experience (y.)
Myzak Andrii Stepanovych
Myzak Andrii Stepanovych
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