Information about the doctor Safronov Danylo Viktorovych
Work experience: 25 years
Category: Higher
- Kharkiv National Medical University, specialty "General Medicine"
Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:
- member of the Redcord Association.
Scientific activity:
- candidate of Medical Sciences;
- associate Professor of the Department.
Teaching and / or lecturing:
- lecturer in physical and rehabilitation medicine;
- official instructor of Neurac (Redcord) movement therapy;
- lecturer of seminars on manual and movement therapy.
Areas of professional development:
- 1999-2017: a surgeon at the Polytrauma Department (surgery of traumatic injuries) of the Emergency Medicine Hospital;
- since 2015: doctor of physical and rehabilitation medicine, sports medicine doctor;
- co-founder of spine and joint treatment centers.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- physical and rehabilitation medicine;
- orthopedic rehabilitation.
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- development of rehabilitation centers;
- literary activity.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- "My hobbies are yoga and pilates."