Information about the doctor Kuts Karina Oleksandrivna
Work experience: 4 years
- Zaporizhzhya State Medical and Pharmaceutical University
- Zaporizhzhya Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:
- regular participation in scientific and practical conferences, in particular Ophthalmic Hub 2024, dedicated to modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases;
- active participation in seminars on diagnostics, treatment and prevention of myopia (nearsightedness), treatment of dry eye syndrome and use of orthokeratology lenses;
- training at the School of Optometry on the peculiarities of vision accommodation.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- comprehensive diagnostics of vision: checking visual acuity, examination of the retina and fundus, measurement of intraocular pressure, determination of corneal thickness (visometry, biomicroscopy, autorefractokeratometry, pneumotonometry, pachymetry)
- treatment of eye diseases, including inflammatory, degenerative and age-related changes;
- providing assistance in case of eye injuries, diagnostics and treatment selection.
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- the impact of cardiovascular diseases on the state of the optic nerve and retina;
- the relationship between diseases of the nervous system and changes in vision;
- the impact of diabetes mellitus and hormonal disorders on eye health.
Doctor's advice:
- “Take care of your eyes every day: give your eyes rest, protect them from overload and undergo regular check-ups. Timely detection of even minor changes will help maintain clear vision.”