Information about the doctor Petrashyk Volodymyr Yosypovych
Category: Higher
- Bukovinian State Medical University
Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:
- participant of different conferences;
- attendance of thematic improvement and majors courses.
Areas of professional development:
- ‘Professional growth is not limited to a doctor attending conferences. Every day we learn and deepen our knowledge from different sources. This is study of periodicals on our specialty, as well as reading news on the Internet and work with our patients. For every patient is a source of practical training. His condition and his body create individuality.’
- ‘I do not keep scientific activity – from morning till late night I soak myself in practice. And I love it. I try to draw knowledge from professionals who are only engaged in theory. Monthly attend conferences – sometimes it happens even more. This is a very interesting experience, particularly if a conference is of a focused and thematic one.’
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- anesthesiological aid to patients with gastrointestinal tract and gynecological diseases, various injuries;
- assistance in emergency conditions;
- patient preparation for anesthesia;
- selection of schemes and medications for anesthesia;
- monitoring of patient during surgery;
- excretion of patient from state of anesthesia.
Doctor's advice:
- ‘All the doctors have long been aware that prevention is the best method of treatment of all diseases. Therefore, in order not to treat a disease in future, it is necessary to take preventive measures in time. Firstly, lead a healthy lifestyle. Secondly, normally alternate modes for work and rest. Thirdly, avoid bad habits. Fourthly, regularly as a preventive measure, visit doctors for examination.’