Information about the doctor Marienko Inna Yuriivna
Category: Higher
Areas of professional development:
- member of the Association of Radiologists of Ukraine;
- attends interregional conferences on radiation diagnosis;
- regularly attends thematic courses;
- actively monitors electronic resources on radiology.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- bronchopulmonary system;
- gastrointestinal tract.
- Common complaints - diseases of bronchopulmonary system.
- “CT and MRT are rapidly developing.”
- “Every patient has his own doctor”.
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- internal medicine
- pediatrics
- traumatology
- gastroenterology.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- “My tastes and hobbies change with my age.”
Doctor's advice:
- “Rewording the famous proverb ‘He that loses his honesty has nothing else to lose’ I would say ‘He that loses his health has nothing else to lose’.
Advantages of MM 'Dobrobut':
- “The clinic has all the possibilities to work (make diagnosis) using advanced equipment.”