Information about the doctor Beba Oksana Vitaliivna
Work experience: 23 years
- Bohomolets National Medical University, Department of Dermatovenereology;
- Shupyk National University of Health of Ukraine, specialization in “Dermatovenereology” and “Pediatric Dermatovenereology”
Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:
- member of the Association of Dermatovenereologists and Cosmetologists of Ukraine;
- actively completes advanced courses in dermato-oncology;
- mastered methods of skin lesion imaging and diagnosis (dermatoscopy);
- trained in safe and effective removal of skin growths using radio wave methods and cryotherapy;
- completed courses in modern techniques to improve skin condition: mesotherapy, biorevitalization, botulinum therapy, and lip contouring;
- regular participant in scientific events, notably: Kyiv Dermatological Days, Kyiv Allergology Days, IUSTI UKRAINE (International Union Against Sexually Transmitted Infections), MELANOMA DAY CONGRESS (conference on treatment and prevention of melanoma), DERMA GYN (innovative approaches linking dermatology and gynecology).
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- diagnosis and treatment of common skin diseases: dermatitis of various etiologies (allergic, contact, etc.), acne, demodicosis, rosacea, fungal infections (mycoses), herpes infections, psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma;
- personalized treatment plans based on age and individual patient characteristics;
- early detection and treatment of benign skin lesions: timely diagnosis (keratoses, papillomas, nevi, warts, molluscum contagiosum), safe and minimally invasive removal to prevent further growth or complications.
- “Today’s dermatology is actively evolving, particularly in early diagnosis (dermato-oncology), dermatoscopy, and hardware-based treatments. I strive to provide the highest level of skincare to all age groups.”
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- early detection of suspicious lesions using dermatoscopy;
- improving skin condition through care and restorative procedures;
- selecting cosmetic products and advising on daily skin care routines.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- “I’m intrigued by reading psychology and quantum physics literature. I’m inspired by the opportunity to delve into the mysteries of human consciousness and, at the same time, comprehend the fundamental laws of the universe.”
Doctor's advice:
- “Don’t ignore your skin’s signals — timely care helps prevent serious problems! Pay attention to changes, redness, or irritation and don’t postpone visiting a dermatologist. Early diagnosis and proper care are the key to healthy and beautiful skin for both adults and children!”