Babenko Vladyslav Ivanovych

Babenko Vladyslav Ivanovych

Rehabilitation specialist; Children's masseur; Masseur
3experience (y.)
child doctor
The Doctor Doctor takes in clinic
Nearest pickup time: Сьогодні о 15:00

The Doctor provides the following services:

Consultation by physical therapy specialist
1470 uah
Consultation of a physical therapist/rehabilitator for children
1530 uah
Therapeutic massage of the upper limb (according to medical indications) (20 min.)
630 uah
Therapeutic massage of the upper limb, shoulder girdle and shoulder area (20 min), (for medical reasons)
630 uah
Therapeutic massage along the spine (25 min), (for medical reasons)
970 uah
Therapeutic massage of head and neck (due to medical necessity) (20 minutes)
630 uah
Therapeutic massage of thoracic cage (anterior surface) (due to medical necessity) (15 min)
550 uah
Therapeutic massage of hand and forearm (due to medical necessity)
550 uah
Therapeutic massage of the knee joint (for medical reasons)
550 uah
Therapeutic massage of the lower limb (20 min), (for medical reasons)
880 uah
Therapeutic massage of the lower extremity of the thigh area (according to medical indications) (15 min.)
630 uah
Therapeutic massage of the lower limb and lower back (for medical reasons)
880 uah
Therapeutic massage of the shoulder joint (the upper third of the shoulder, the shoulder joint area and the shoulder girdle of the same side), (for medical reasons).
550 uah
Therapeutic massage of the lumbosacral spine (20 min), (for medical reasons)
630 uah
Therapeutic massage of foot and shin (20 minutes) (due to medical necessity)
550 uah
Therapeutic massage of hip joint (due to medical necessity)
550 uah
Therapeutic massage of the cervical collar zone (for medical reasons)
630 uah
General massage (according to medical indications) (60 minutes)
1760 uah
Therapeutic massage session for ages 1 to 7 (30-45 minutes), (for medical reasons)
880 uah
(LT) Laser therapy (MLS) (1 session, 15-20 min)
850 uah
(Exercise therapy) Therapeutic gymnastics (due to medical necessity), 1 session, 30 minutes
1010 uah
Kinesis taping 1 category of complexity
700 uah
Kinesio taping of the 2nd category of difficulty
880 uah
Kinesis taping 3 category of complexity
1070 uah
General therapeutic lymphatic massage (50 minutes) (due to medical necessity)
2100 uah
Therapeutic massage of back (lumbosacral spine) (20 minutes) (due to medical necessity)
900 uah
Therapeutic massage of the cervico-thoracic spine (for medical reasons)
810 uah
Treatment/development of traumatic changes (massage, exercise therapy, myofascial release, musculoskeletal system, joint correction) 45 min
1140 uah
Treatment/development of traumatic changes (massage, exercise therapy, myofascial release, musculoskeletal system, joint correction) 60 min
1500 uah
Treatment/development of traumatic changes (massage, exercise therapy, myofascial release, post-isometric muscle relaxation(PIR), joint correction) 30 min
810 uah
Treatment/development of the traumatic limb changes (1 zone) after immobilization (with elements of therapeutic gymnastics) (1 session) for children
630 uah
Therapeutic massage session for the children aged from 1 to 7 years (30–45 minutes), (10 sessions) (due to medical necessity)
6600 uah
Individual lesson with a physical therapist remotely
1450 uah
Program Therapeutic massage along the spine 25 (according to medical indications) (10 massages of 25 min)
7800 uah
Program General massage 60 (according to medical indications) (10 massages of 60 min)
14000 uah
Information about the doctor Babenko Vladyslav Ivanovych

Work experience: 3 years


  • National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, Bachelor of Physical Culture and Sports, Master of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy

Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:

  • active participation in international and professional events: Amputee Rehab Summit, muscle testing seminars, training events for the treatment of spinal diseases - studying modern approaches to conservative therapy of intervertebral hernias and correction of musculoskeletal disorders;
  • regular advanced training in rehabilitation methods: trainings on kinesiological taping, post-isometric relaxation (PIR), IASTM (instrumental soft tissue mobilization), as well as seminars on soft manipulation methods to relieve pain and restore joint and muscle mobility.

Scientific activity:

  • diploma thesis on “Physical therapy in ankylosing spondylitis”.

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • orthopedic rehabilitation to restore mobility after injuries, fractures and surgeries;
  • individual rehabilitation programs for military personnel who have been injured as a result of military operations;
  • work with patients with pain syndrome or chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • recovery from stroke (early and late post-stroke period), peripheral nervous system disorders;
  • IASTM (instrumental soft tissue mobilization) to improve blood circulation and reduce muscle spasms;
  • physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, including radial and focal shock wave therapy (SWT);
  • adult and children's massage for the prevention, treatment and recovery from injuries and diseases;
  • kinesiotaping of all levels of complexity to support muscles, reduce pain and speed up the recovery process.

Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:

  • neurorehabilitation to restore coordination and motor functions after injuries and diseases of the nervous system;
  • rehabilitation of patients after cardiovascular diseases and heart surgery;
  • vestibular rehabilitation to correct dizziness, balance and gait disorders.

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