
"Dobrobut" Medical Center. Oncology

st. S. Idzikowsky (Mishinа), 3, Kyiv
Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00; Sat: 8:00-19:00; Sun: 9:00-17:00
In 2016 the MC Dobrobut network opened the Dobrodut Oncology Clinical Center for diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases. The Dobrobut Oncology Clinical Center is a team of medical specialists providing a strategic approach to accurate diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of a patient who faces this challenging disease. The Center medical specialists have developed unique programs based on the modern international guidelines and evidence-based medicine for early diagnosis of cancer.

"Dobrobut" Medical Center. Oncology

"Dobrobut" Medical Center. Oncology
st. S. Idzikowsky (Mishinа), 3, Kyiv
Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00; Sat: 8:00-19:00; Sun: 9:00-17:00

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"Dobrobut" Medical Center. Oncology

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Clinic`s services:
Consultation with an oncologist (mammologist) expert referral for adults at the clinic
Breast cancer TreatmentsOncology
An oncologist-mammologist is a doctor specialized in diagnostics and treatment of oncological diseases of mammary glands. During a visit a doctor will gather information about patient’s complaints, perform a check-up and ultrasound of mammary glands,
Radiological biopsy
Additional visualization techniques such as CT and ultrasound are used for better targeting when taking the material from the most suspected area for examination during the biopsy.
Consultation with an oncologist (surgeon) at the clinic
Consultation with an oncologist (surgeon) at the clinic
Consultation with an oncologist at the clinic
Consultation with an oncologist at the clinic
Ultrasound examinations
ОrthopedicsMedical ultrasoundDiagnosticianTraumatology
Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) is a widely used, available, harmless, painless and effective method of diagnostics of internal organs using ultrasonic waves (mechanical high-frequency oscillations with short wavelength).
Oncologist consultation
Oncologist consultation
Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen (cryodestructor Cryo Pro)
Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen (cryodestructor Cryo Pro)
Removal of the cervix (trachelectomy)
GynecologyOncologyOperative gynecology
Trachelectomy is an innovative operation performed in early stage cervical cancer, which removes the cervix, the upper part of the vagina with the obligatory preservation of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Laboratory diagnosis
Laboratory diagnostics includes various examinations that allow obtaining of the most accurate clinical data on the patient’s health state.
Diagnosing cancer with MRI
MRI allows to obtain quality images using radio waves and a powerful magnet. Images obtained using such a diagnostic technique can show the difference between normal and diseased tissue.
Diagnosing cancer with CT
Computerized tomography is a possibility to receive several projections of the area of interest within one procedure.
Licenses, Certificates, Accreditations

MN «Dobrobut»

Лицензия «Добробут-Поликлиника»
Лицензия «Добробут-Стационар»
Лицензия «Добробут-Вертебрология»
Лицензия «Добробут-Патронаж»
Сертификат «Добробут-Поликлиника»
Сертификат «Добробут-Стационар»
Сертификат «Добробут-Вертебрология»
Сертификат «Добробут-Патронаж»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Поликлиника»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Стационар»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Вертебрология»
Аккредитационный сертификат «Добробут-Патронаж»