Full range of medical care

More than 50 medical specialties
Фільтр за типом
  • Traumatologist consultation(Medical expert)
  • Consultation by orthopaedic surgeon
    Consultation by orthopaedic surgeon
  • Pediatric orthopedist consultation
    Pediatric orthopedist consultation
  • Endoprosthesis
  • Polydactyly
    Polydactyly is a congenital abnormality of the hand or foot in which there are one or more accessory toes.
  • Metal osteosynthesis
    The traditional method of treating fractures is the application of a plaster cast. However, in some cases, with open fractures or displacement of bone fragments, the dressing will be ineffective.
  • English-speaking doctor's consultation for children
    GastroenterologyDermatologyOtorhinolaryngologyNephrologyOphthalmologyОrthopedicsPediatricsTherapySurgeryTraumatologyMaxillofacial SurgeryFamily Medicine
    English-speaking doctor's consultation for children
  • Hand surgery
    Hand surgery
  • Complex diagnostics of movement disorders in children with special needs
  • Knee arthroscopy
    Knee arthroscopy
  • Orthopedic traumatologist’s house call
    An orthopedic traumatologist assesses the extent of damage and selects treatment methods, thanks to which post-traumatic complications can be avoided.
  • Good posture and graceful gait are important attributes of health and appearance.
  • Intervertebral hernia
    The lifestyle of a modern person has become a fairly significant cause of many diseases. According to statistics, more than 75% of the adult population of Ukraine are faced with diseases of the spine, among which the most common are hernia, protrusion,
  • Plantogram
  • Arthroscopy
    ОrthopedicsMedical ultrasoundTraumatology
    Arthroscopy is an advanced universal method and minimally invasive surgical intervention, which is carried out for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
  • Replacement of the hip joint
    Replacement of the hip joint
  • CT of soft tissues of the neck with contrast enhancement
  • CT of the soft tissues of the neck
    CT of the soft tissues of the neck

Services for strains

  • Allergology
  • Andrology
  • Anesthesiology
  • Breast cancer Treatments
  • Cardiology
  • Colorectal surgery
  • Cosmetology
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Diagnostician
  • Emergency medicine
  • Endocrinology
  • Endoscopy
  • Endovascular surgery
  • Family Medicine
  • Functional diagnostics
  • Gastroenterology
  • Genetics
  • Gynecology
  • Hematology
  • Hepatology
  • Immunology
  • Infectology
  • Manipulative therapy
  • Massage
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Medical ultrasound
  • Neonatology
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Nutrition
  • Oncodermatology
  • Oncology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Palliative care
  • Pediatrics
  • Phlebology
  • Physical therapy
  • Plastic surgery
  • Podology
  • Psychiatry
  • Psychology
  • Psychotherapy
  • Pulmonology
  • Radiology
  • Reflexology
  • Rehabilitation
  • Reproductology
  • Rheumatology
  • Somnology
  • Speech-language pathology
  • Sports Medicine
  • Surgery
  • Therapy
  • Traumatology
  • Trichology
  • Urology
  • Vascular surgery
  • Vertebrology
  • Оrthopedics