InformationWhereServices1 review
Lazareva Kateryna Andriivna

Lazareva Kateryna Andriivna

Physician; Gastroenterologist
6experience (y.)
The Doctor Doctor takes in clinic
Nearest pickup time: 30.07.2024 14:00

The Doctor provides the following services:

Consultation by gastroenterologist
1260 uah
Consultation by general practitioner / family doctor before vaccination
850 uah
Consultation by general practitioner / family doctor
1190 uah
Influenza vaccination program with Vaxigrippe Tetra vaccine
1250 uah
Program of vaccination against influenza with the vaccine GC Flu Quadrivalent 0.5 ml
1105 uah
Information about the doctor Lazareva Kateryna Andriivna

Work experience: 6 years

Category: Second


  • Bogomolets National Medical University;
  • Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, specialization “Internal Medicine”, “Gastroenterology”

Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:

  • member of the Ukrainian Gastroenterological Association.

Scientific activity:

  • master's thesis on “Intestinal diseases in ATO/JFO participants: frequency, diagnosis, treatment”.

Areas of professional development:

  • experience as a military doctor in the gastroenterology department at the Irpin hospital;
  • “A good doctor is always a researcher, I am constantly improving my professional skills, learning new things every day.”

Priority areas in clinical practice:

  • management of patients with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum);
  • management of patients with heartburn and diseases of the liver and biliary tract (gastroesophageal reflux disease, cholelithiasis);
  • management of patients with diseases of the small and large intestine (ulcerative colitis, treatment of intestinal microflora disorders (dysbiosis), helminthiasis)
  • management of patients with therapeutic pathology (bronchopulmonary pathology (ARVI, pneumonia, COVID-19 and mild to moderate pneumonia), anemia of various etiologies);
  • conducting preventive examinations.

Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:

  • ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound);
  • endoscopy.

Hobbies, favorite movies, books:

  • “My hobbies include painting (I have an art degree) and dancing. My favorite movies are The Godfather and The Matrix. As for books, I love such works as A Night in Lisbon and The Arc de Triomphe by Erich Maria Remarque.”

Doctor's advice:

  • “Eat a balanced diet, be physically active and avoid bad habits. Undergo regular medical examinations and consult a doctor immediately at the first symptoms of the disease.”

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Оцінка лікаря:
Оцінка рецепції
Загальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнтаЗагальна оцінка від пацієнта
Impressions from the doctor
Оцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаряОцінка вражень від лікаря
Impression of the clinic
Clinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression scoreClinic impression score
Overall impression

Катерина Андріївна – надзвичайно уважний та висококваліфікований лікар! Її знання суміжних сфер просто вражають, а емпатія з якою вона відноситься до своїх пацієнтів заслуговує на щиру повагу. Дуже ра...

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– Ольга07.04.2024

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Lazareva Kateryna Andriivna

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