Category: First
- Bogomolets National Medical University
Membership in associations, societies; attending conferences, thematic improvement courses:
- member of the Ukrainian Association of Dermatovenereologists.
Areas of professional development:
- courses in dermatoscopy, diet nutrition (hypoallergic diet for children with allergic dermatosis), diseases of youth’s sebaceous;
- annual participation in the conference “Dermatological Days”, Dermatologist School, Atopy School etc., arrangements of Ukrainian Academy of dermatovenerology and Dermatovenerologists Association of Ukraine;
- speeches for the TV channel “DobroTV” about skin fungal diseases in children, photodermatosis, skin treatment for children with atopy;
- publication in “Mama i ja”(“Mom and me”), “Moj rebenok” (“My child”) magazines about the treatment of atopic skin in children;
- Monthly lecturing at School for Moms “Chicco”.
Priority areas in clinical practice:
- diagnostics and treatment of parasitic, fungal skin diseases, nails diseases (microsporia, trichophytosis, onychomycosis);
- treatment of child’s acne disease, child’s psoriasis, pyoderma;
- rreatment of allergic dermatosis;
- elimination of molluscum contagiosum.
- Due to my occupation most often I’m facing allergic dermatosis - atopic dermatitis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, youth’s acne, alopecia (hair loss), fungal skin diseases”.
- “The reason for allergic dermatosis is the ecological situation and our genetics as well. Unfortunately, we cannot fight our genetics. As for ecology, we should oppose it with the right skin treatment - main preventive treatment. Speaking about fungal bacterial infections, we should stick to the hygienic rules to prevent its appearance; tempering is also good for child’s immune system reinforcement”.
- “New developments in dermatology include treatment of allergic dermatitis and chronic dermatosis (like eczema, psoriasis) by means of phototherapy. It treats the skin old allergic dermatosis with calcineurin inhibitor agents and not hormonal ones. Previously, they mainly prescribed hormones.”
- “Children are very grateful patients. With a right treatment they recover quickly and there is a great chance that a disease will not get into a prolonged chronic form.”
- “A good doctor should be a humane person. He should be interested in a patient first of all and not in business.”
Tell us about your professional interests other than your specialization:
- dermatovenerology;
- dietology.
Hobbies, favorite movies, books:
- “I love skiing, fishing, mountain hiking, escaping the city to a lake or forest. Love spending time with my children.”
Doctor's advice:
- “I strongly recommend my patients not to try self-medication. Eruption that doesn’t disappear within 2-3 days, pustules, eruption with bad itching and running temperature – it’s a serious signal to bring a child to a doctor.”